Chapter Three

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The night after we returned from the Pharmacy, I had drawn Beverly.
I hadn't really felt inspired to draw since May. I remember that I had gone to a park near a pond to draw in late May. It was cloudy, so there weren't that many people around. I saw a young woman carrying her little boy, and I decided to draw her. She seemed to hold this sort of peace in her that made me feel at ease. That is... until the Bowers Gang came along. I remember Patrick had snatched my sketchbook right out of my hands as I had finished sketching it. He laughed. Showed it off to his little friends, and it got tossed into the pond. I hadn't really drawn since. I knew they were bullies, but I didn't know how bad they actually were...
When I finished drawing Beverly that night after the Pharmacy, I put a little note in the corner on the back.
I really wanted Beverly to have the drawing I made of her, so I had put it in my pocket.

"Where are you guys going?" Mom asked us as we were opening the front door. "It seems like I know nothing about you two these days." She chuckled. I looked over to Ben, then back at mom.

"We're meeting up with some new friends of ours." I told her. She looked surprised for a second.

"You two have already made new friends?" She asked in disbelief. "I mean, that's great!" She said, quickly changing her tone. We had lived here a little over 2 months, so I didn't get her surprise.

"Sure." I mumbled quietly.

"Alright. You two, please be careful. I know you know what's going on in this town, so stick together." She told us. We nodded, then quickly went outside before she could start another conversation.

"See ya later, mom!" I said before closing the door. Ben and I quickly grabbed our bikes before heading towards the Denbrough household. Bill had continuously offered himself to Ben to be our personal tour guide, and we accepted.

"Do you think we can trust these kids?" I asked him as we pedaled down Witcham Street. Ben looked lost in thought for a moment before replying.

"I mean, they're being nice to us, and I don't think Bill would invite us over just to be... I don't know. Mean or something." He replied.

"True, but what if he's just inviting us over so he can kill us?" I joked. Ben playfully rolled his eyes at me.

"Shut up." He smiled. We found Bill waiting outside with his bike on the driveway.

"H-h-hey, B-Ben. Hi, (Y/N)." He said to us with a smile on his face.

"Hi, Bill." Ben said as a cute little smile danced onto his lips.

"Heya, Billy. How's it hangin'?" I asked him as I stopped my bike. My brother chuckled at my choice of words.

"It's... h-hangin' good," He replied. "A-are you guys r-r-ready to go?" He asked us. I looked over to Ben who nodded, then I did, too.

"Yeah. What about you?" I asked the stuttering boy. He nodded. We then began pedaling towards the quarry with Bill in the lead. Ben was pedaling closely next to him, and the two talked the whole way while I enjoyed the summer breeze. I gave a small, content smile up to the blue sky.

We arrived at the quarry where we found Stan, Eddie, and Richie striped down to their underwear. Or, in this case, their tighty whities.

"Hey, Big Bill." Richie greeted.

"Hi, R-Richie." Bill said to him.

"How ya doin'... Haystack?" The boy with the thick glasses asked Ben.

"Uhm, I'm good... you?" My brother replied.

"I'm great! What about you, Firecracker?" He asked... me. What kind of comparison——

A Spark of Adoration (Beverly Marsh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now