Chapter Four

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Almost drowning really makes you tired. Especially when your throat and chest are burning. After the bathtub incident, I pretty much just crashed, and wanted to sleep for the next forever.
Which is why it was excruciatingly unpleasant to get woken up the next morning to the telephone ringing in the living room. I groaned at the sound (which caused a short coughing fit), and put my pillow over my head. To my dismay, I could still hear the ringing. After a few moments, it stopped. But then it rang again. Knowing no one would answer it, I begrudgingly got out of bed, and stomped into the living room.

"Hello?" I asked in a groggy voice, coughing into my hand.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" I heard Beverly ask from the other end. She sounded like she was in panic which made my need for sleep suddenly disappear.

"Yeah. Bev, are you alright?" I asked.

"Y-yeah. Could you... could you please just come over as soon as possible? And bring the others." She told me. I was so confused right now.

"Yeah, but did something happen? Are you in any sort of danger?" I asked, getting more worried by the second.

"No... Yes. I don't know. Just round everyone up as soon as you can please?" She asked, panic still laced in her voice.

"Yeah. We'll be there as soon as possible." I told her. I heard her sigh a bit.

"Okay. Thank you. Bye, (Y/N)." She said, and the line disconnected. I put the phone back down in it's holder, and went back to my room. I quickly changed into my usual wear, and then went to brush my hair and teeth. After I felt ready, I walked into Ben's room. I looked at his sleeping figure. He looked so at peace...

Then I violently shook him awake. He suddenly sat up, making an unpleasant groan.

"Why do you hate me, (Y/N)?" He grumbled. I just smiled.

"Sorry to disturb your slumber, your Highness, but Beverly called. She needs our help." I replied calmly, clearing my throat to keep from coughing.

"What could she need this early?" He asked, clearly annoyed. I glanced over at his alarm clock, and realized it was 10:00am. Early for summer vacation, I suppose.

"I'm not sure, but she sounded upset. She said to get everyone. Speaking of which, I should probably go call them. Get up." I said before exiting the room, and heading back to the family room. I grabbed the phone book from a cabinet, and dialed up the Uris house.

"Uris House. Stanley speaking."


As we pedaled to Beverly's place, Eddie bickered the whole time. It was unpleasant, and the growing irritation in my chest didn't help the burning. My chest still hurt from last night, inhaling too much water.

"...No, we have to take the alleyways." Stan told him.

"The alley takes way too long!" Eddie exclaimed.

"No, the alley is much faster." Stan disagreed.

"The alley is more dangerous and it's disgusting." Eddie retorted. The more he talked, the closer I was getting to my breaking point. My exhaustion shortening my temper.

"How is it more dangerous?" Stan asked, irritated.

"It smells like piss and it's gross!" Eddie yelled. I let out a loud, angry groan.

"Eddie! Stop complaining about the alley ways! The side streets smell the same, so just be quiet already!" I shouted over the two, which immediately sent me into a coughing fit. My throat hurt so much right now. My worry about Beverly's safety was making my mood worse, too. Ben was shocked at my sudden outburst, to say the least, but Eddie seemed unfazed by it.

A Spark of Adoration (Beverly Marsh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now