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YOs Yu ReAd THat CoRReCt! Am DoIng a COnTeSt!

The theme is royal life(princesses/princes, guards, Kings/queens)

Make it a comic, draw pics here and there idfc

Now there are rewards but I'll tell you some of them
(The characters will be shown once I say who wins and what-not)

1st place- a follow(I aren't already following), 10 free requests, and 3 characters

2nd place- a follow(I aren't already following), 5 free requests, and 2 characters

3rd place- a follow(I aren't already following), 3 free requests, and 1 character

Now I don't care about the genre (yes you can make a horror one) but you will INSTANTANEOUSLY will lose if you have a mature content warning. I hope that is clear

Deadline to join is July 13 2018
To join you will have to comment saying that you are joining

Deadline to write the story is August 2 2018 comment saying that you are done with the story so I know

You will get a reward if I recognize how hard you tried on the story not sure what the rewards will be tho

Now there is a minmum and a limit to the amount of chapters, it is 2- 9 chapters

If complete I will comment on the last chapter to indicate I have read it

But here's a little twist you CANNOT edit someone else's drawing either you or me have to draw it(cuz I'm willing to do that)

Yeah go crazy

Yeah go crazy

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Now for some shitty jokes

I would tell you a chemistry joke, but I wouldn't get a reaction

I wanted to tell ya a sodium joke, but Na

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