{2} pink bunnies and hospitals

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After getting back from another show of Annie, I ate dinner and got ready for bed. But I couldn't sleep. My mom is due in two days for my new sibling! I really want it to be a girl, because me and my mom are the only girls in our family. I keep myself entertained by singing songs. Singing helps me clear my mind and realax. So for the past 2 hours I have been singing instead of sleeping, in hopes that it could help me relax my excitement for the new addition to the Sink family. I started to sing another song that i really loved, Grenade by Bruno Mars.

"Yes I would die for you baby but you wouldn't don the same...oh no no no you wouldn't do the same yea yea you wouldn't do the same...But I'd catch a grenade for ya jump in front of a train for ya.. You know I'd do anything- "

"Sadie! Come down stairs quick!" Michael, one of my big Bros and partner in crime yelled. "Wait why?" "Because mom is gonna have the baby and we need to say bye to her!" The now impatient boy yelled back. "Really?" "No I was just kidding we are going to watch high school- OF CORSE I AM NOT KIDDING!" Michael said totally not sounding stressed. I rolled my eyes, "Okay okay god I'm coming!"
A few hours later Sadie's mom gave brith to a beautiful baby girl. Once the news spread it was only a matter of time till Sadie's brothers and grandparents would arrive at the hospital. And once there, boy was Sadie more happy then any other time in her life.
416 416 416. I thought. That was the number I was looking for, that was where my new baby sister lies, that was the room where I would meet my new best friend. "Sadie slow down!" My family called after me, but I couldn't I was eager to meet her. "Finally" echoed through the hallway once it left my moth after finding room 416. I cracked open the door and started opening it, but being causious of the noise that it may make my sister awake. I stepped inside to see my Dad greet me with teary eyes and a big hug. Then I looked at my mom. I made contact with her tired yet filled with love eyes. Then my world stopped I felt like I had been swept off my feet. I looked at a cute little baby girl with big blue eyes, just like me. I looked at her doll sized fingers and her ginger curls. And her lips, her lips that smirked at little when I put my hand to her hand. The little smile that could fill your heart with so much joy. "Do you want to hold her Sadie?" My Mom asked knowing the answer would be yes. I nodded my head faster than I ever thought I could.
With that my Mom placed the little baby into my arms. This is my little sister. It finally hit me, I'm her big sis and she is the youngest Sink now. I smiled at the thought. "Awwww you two are too cute!" I turned around to see my Grandma taking pictures and my grandpa and brothers have huge grins I their faces as they looked at my new sister. "What's her name?" I asked while staring at the pink bunny on her little blanket and hat. "Jacey Sink" my Dad answered proudly. "I love it." I said quietly not wanting to wake Jacey. I looked at the little pink bunny, it reminded me of Jacey's cute little face that could make you so happy. "Sadie, honey, we want you to chose Jacey's middle name." My Mom spoke leaving me shocked and speechless. "Really?" "Yes, Sadie" My mom shook her head yes and smiled. I looked at my new baby sister, Jacey Sink. In my head I thought, I don't think I have ever loved something so much in my entire life. From the short meer minutes of knowing you, I can tell that you will bring the world so much joy. And you mean the world too me. I can't wait for you to learn how laugh and smile, because Jacey you could make a whole room feel joy in a heartbeat. And then it hit me, Joy. "Jacey Joy Sink" I announced, "That is your name."

Okay guys ahhhhh I am tearing up writing this! It took me so so long to write this chapter, but let me tell you it is so worth it! This is my favorite thing I have ever written and I am so proud of it! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did vote on this! Btw this is 100 percent based on my imagination I don't know what really happened the day that Jacey was born. All that I do know is that Sadie has said that was the happiest day of her life, so I tried to display that happiness! Anyways gotta blast, but I will see you guys for the next chapter either on here or on Mirkwood Academy! Love you all!

(Go follow my Sadie acc):
(Go follow my regular st acc): Wheelerswafflez

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