The Newly Painted Pot

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As I walked down the busy street, full of carts, people, and goods, one man caught my attention.
He waved me over, so, I walked over to this man.
"Hey kid." said the man. His voice was deep. He had a long beard. His hands were stained with colors.
"Hey." I said. I touched my dark hair, setting my hand behind my head.
"I am gonna make a deal with you." he said. I looked at him, confused.
"I saw you looking at my pottery, and I have a freshly painted one. It has magical powers, and has helped me become happy again." he said. I sighed, and started to walk away, but he leaned over the table and grabbed my wrist.
"Don't leave just yet! I haven't told you how much yet!" he said. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to get out of this deal until he finished.
The man smiled, then started to tell the story of the pot.
"Now, I found this is Egypt. As I rubbed the pot as I dusted it off, a little boy that could float came out!" he said as he put his arms in the air, imitation a explosion. I stood there, not changing me expression. The man frowned, and told me about choosing three wishes and all this crap. I was at really listing at this point.
"I'll see it to you for $1,000. That's the lowest i'm going." said the man. I frowned. I was actually thinking about getting it.
"Sorry, but I don't got that kind of money right now. What about $500?" I asked. That was still overpriced, but I really wanted this pot. It had an amazing design that my friend would like.
"$650. Last offer. Deal or no deal?" he asked. I sighed, and pulled out my wallet.
The man smiled, rubbing his hands together as he watched me count the money out.
I handed him the money, and immediately took the pot and jogged into the crowed as the man counted the money.
Why? You may be asking.
Well... I didn't give him the full $650. I only gave him $500.
"Hey kid!! Get back here!" yelled the man, but I was already lost in the crowd.
I chucked as I ran, people looking at me.

I finally got to a open space, and I looked at the pot. I didn't want the paint to smear, so I wrapped it in a extra shirt I had.
I walked the rest of the way home, trying not to smear the paint.
"Watch our Mr!" yelled a kid. The boy was on a bike, going down the hill behind me.
"I can't turn it!" yelled the kid. I quickly as I could ran over out of his path.
"Agh! Already! I'm seeing the light!" said someone in a high pitched voice.
I turned around.
"Now! Why did you summon me?" asked the boy.
It was a boy. Floating. Orange hair.
I jumped back, trying to get away.
"Who the hell are you?!" I asked.
"I'm Hinita Shoyo." dis dyne kid as he floated. He crossed his arms. "I'm the genie that's from this pot!" he said as he pointed to himself with a smile.
"W-We'll..." I stuttered. "I'm Kaygeyama Tobio."
"Nice to meet you, Kaygeyama!" said the genie, and he placed his hand out.
I smiled and shook it.
"Now! I have a list of rules for your three wishes!" said Hinita.
Rules? Wishes?
Oh wait! This is what the man was talking about!
Hinita handed me a paper.
"Here you can see there are just a few rules! Look them over, then get back to me on any questions!" said Hinita happily. I looked at the paper, then back up at him.
He smiled at me, him shining so bright like he was the sun.
"Here. We can go to my house." I said, and I walked away with the rules and the pot in my hand, the genie following.

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