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As me and the Genie walked down the hallway to the last room, I heard Hinita start to hum a happy song.

"How much longer?" asked Hinita in a grumpy voice. "It feels like we've been walking for a few minuets."

"We've only been in this hall for ten seconds!" I yelled as I turned, face to face with the Genie.

"Well you're walking really slow, so it seems to me like it's been minuets!" yelled the Genie back at me, getting closer to my face.

I turned back around, a light blush on my face, and started to walk. "If you want to see the last room,  just follow me. And no more complaining!" I said.

I finally heard Hinita follow me after a few seconds of walking down the hall.

After about another five minutes, we arrived at the door for the last room.

"What's in there?" asked Hinita as he caught us to me.

"Just shut your mouth and go over there and flip on that switch." I said as I pointed to a light switch on the wall closer to him.

He nodded and flipped the switch on as I opened the door.

"Whoa!" said Hinita as he flew past me. "This is such a nice movie room!" he said, and he jumped into one of chairs near the middle of the small home theater.

"Want to relax for a bit?" I asked, and Hinita quickly nodded.

"Go choose a movie. They're separated my genre, so it won't be hard." I said, and I relaxed in a chair in the corner of the theater, away from the little ball of energy.

After a few minuets of oohs and aahs from the Genie looking at the collection of movies, he finally ran up to me holding the movie he chose, leaving the ball behind down by the movies.

"How about we watch this one!" he said as he held up the movie Split. This one was one of my top horror movies, horror being my favorite genre for movies, I quickly agreed.

"Have you ever watched a horror movie? This one isn't as scary as some of the ones i've watched, but it i'll freak anyone normal out." I said to Hinita as I put my hands up in front of him, moving my fingers in a creepy way.

He stuck his tongue out at me, and squinted his eyes at me.

"Of course I haven't! I won't get scared though!" he said, and ran back down to where he was sitting.

"Come down here with me!" he said as he looked up at me.

"Why?" I asked. "Are you maybe, scared?" I said.

"Of course not!" he yelled at me, and he crossed his arms, turning away from me.

As the movie started, it was funny. Hinita if course laughed, and because I had seen it many times, I just sat there and enjoyed the movie.


Then the girls were in the car with the man. Hinita his his eyes at the scene where he was making them fall asleep.

Then the screen went dark.

Hinita screamed at that, and he jumped out of his seat.

"Kaygeyama!! Come down here!" he yelled.

"Ooh! Are you scared already?" I asked, then laughed, as I paused the movie with the remote.

Hinita looked away from me, crossed his arms, and quietly said, "Just a little."

I laughed, and got up.

"If you are really scared, I'll sit with you. But because you are only a little scarred, you don't need me down there." I said, and sat back down, grinning at the blushing Genie.

"Fine! I'm scared! Just come down here!" yelled Hinita.

"Ugh! Fine! But i'm sitting 2 seas away from you." I said, and I got up and walked down to Hinita.

"Just sit by me!" yelled Hinita.

I shook my head, and sat away from the annoying genie.

As we were watching the movie, we got to the part where the guy was his little kid personality and he was break dancing for the girl.

Hinita was laughing, seemingly like he was fine to be by himself, then the girl asked where the boys window was, wanting to find the escape route out of there.

Hinita immediately stopped laughing and he put his feet up onto the chair, rocking back and forth.

"Hey! Get your nasty feet off of there!" I yelled at the genie.

No answer.

I got up and walked in front of Hinita, blocking his view.

No answer.

As I looked closer at him, I saw his eyes were red, and he was crying.

"Hey!" I yelled as I grabbed his shoulders, shaking him.

Hinita looked up at me, then wiped away the tears.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Can we not watch anymore?" asked Hinita quietly.

"Why are you crying?!" I yelled at him, shaking him again.

"We can't waste our time anymore. You have to make your wishes by tomorrow." said the little genie, another tear falling down his pink cheeks.

"Why?!" I yelled as he got up from the chair.

"If you don't, I'll dissapaer and will just be stuck in that pot, no more magic wishes."

((Aaaaa! I hope everyone has enjoyed this chapter! I think in the next one or two chapters, the book will be done! This isn't one of my best books, so i'm trying to cut it off and work on my better ones! See you next chapter!💖))

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