The turtles late

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*Jaime POV*

My dream is the same as it always is. I'm standing over a coffin and I look around and see my mom and my family. They're all laughing and having a swell time. I lean over the coffin and notice the body inside is me.

Panic starts to set in and I hear my mom say "he was such a pain. Always so annoying. I'm glad he killed himself. He was so worthless"

My heart feels like it's been run over and ripped in half. I feel tears swelling up and I run out of the room. When I'm outside of the room it's all black. I can't see anything and I hear loud screaming in the distance.

I look down and a faint light starts to glimmer through the room. I see blood. It's everywhere. All over the walls and my cloths. I look for the source but I can't find it. Finally I glance down at my wrist and scream.

The sight I saw was something I've seen before but never this bad. I had several vertical lines running down my forearm. The type you make when you're trying to kill yourself. Blood is streaming down my arms and I feel so useless. I hear a noise and suddenly my dream is cut short.

I snap back into reality and look over at my phone. I grab it and check the time. 4:10! Oh my god I have work. Shit. Great going Jaime. Just another thing you screwed up. You're such a fucking failure.

I try to erase the negativity from my mind. I quickly grab my wallet and run out the door.

I hurriedly made my way to the bus stop and hopped on my routes bus. I actually knew this driver so he didn't ask for my pass.

As soon as the bus arrived at Gordon blvd. I rushed out of the door muttering a quick thanks to the driver.

I rush my way through groups of people and finally see the shop ahead. I rush in the door and walk to the back of the store.

I look down at my phone noticing it's 4:25 and silently congratulating myself on not being late. I notice that I'm the only one here besides rick who's shift I'm taking over. Confusion ring through my head. Cassie, the one I take shifts with, Is usually here by now.

"Hey where's Cassie?" I say looking a rick who's lazily resting on the counter.

"Oh she decided working at the music store wasn't really her thing so she got a job at Costco." He says with a bored tone.

"Who am I going to be working with then?" I say worried. I liked Cassie because she didn't bother me. We both didn't say much and now some one else was going to come and ruin it.

" oh this kid tony. He's a sophomore but he's 16 so bill hired him." Tony. Hmmm. Sounded familiar. I was surprised the owner, bill, would hire someone so young. He barely wanted to hire me and I'm a grade above tony.

"Look man it's 4:28 so I'm out. Enjoy work" he said rather sarcastically, walking out the door.

I nod and take residence behind the counter looking around at the posters on the wall. You see, working at a place like 'Dramatic Colors' is awesome. I get to be in an atmosphere that is all about awesome music.

It was 4:37 and I decide that this tony kid isn't going to show up. I mean, Im not that worried. The shop isn't busy on Wednesdays so it wasn't a bother but I did kinda want to meet this new kid to see if he was ok or not.

Just as I start walking towards the back to put on some music I hear the bell above the door ring signaling some one is here. I turn around to find a sweaty kid who's out of breath.

"Uh hi I'm tony and uh this is my first day here and I'm sorry I'm late it's just that-"

I cut him off, "dude it's fine. I won't tell the boss man." I say hoping I could make a friend of this guy.

He looks up and smiles a bright smile. I finally look past the sweatiness to notice other parts about him. He was wearing a teenage mutant ninja turtle tank and gray skinnies with black lace up vans. He had longish raven hair that went right below his ear and over is face and gauges.

Seemed like a pretty alright dude to me. "Thank man you have no idea how much that means to me it's just because-"

I cut him off again. "Don't worry about it. I get it." I say with a half smile.

He looks up from the ground and grins " I don't usually talk this much. Well not at all really. I'm sorry. I just really need this job." He rushes out.

"It's fine. I don't talk much either. I get it though. I need the job too. Got to have some way to pay off my bass" I say understandingly.

His face brightens up. "Really you play bass? That's awesome. I play guitar." He smiles at the last part which makes me smile because i can tell he's really passionate about it.

"Cool. So basically our shift today is till 11pm and we close out the store. Your job is to just help customers finding records or CDs they might need and ringing them up." I say with a friendly tone but on a serious matter.

"Then what's your job?" He says with a playful grin.

"Oh I just stand here and look pretty." I say striking a 'diva' pose.

Tony begins to giggle which causes us both to lose all seriousness.

We finally straightened up and just relaxed. A few customers came in and tony and I took turns helping them out. We had the wonder years blasting through out the store, after finding out tony and I had similar music taste.

It was around 9:45 when a customer walked in and I happen to be at the front of the store. I was doodling in my notebook so I didn't glance up.

"Welcome to dramatic colors record store all 90s records are 30% off." I mumble like a robot.

"Uh thanks." I hear a soft voice mutter.

I look up to see the new guy. The very attractive one that I can't find the nerve to talk to.

( A/N ok so this is an update yay. I finally introduced tony. Btw all the facts presented on this are fictional. Vic is older than Jaime so they wouldn't actually be in the same grade. Also I don't proof read at first. I usually go back and look for mistakes the next day so excuse any errors. My next update will hopefully be tomorrow. Hope you like the story so far (haha not the band) um vote, comment, and keep reading.

K thank you love ya)

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