Pizza and drunken step dads

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*Jaime's POV*

That night we ordered pizza and all 4 of us talked like we had been best buds since pre k. It was really nice to have some friends. Mike and tony sat on the couch opposite of the one vic and I shared.

They sat really close, tony occasionally picked at the hem of mikes shirt, it was cute honestly. I sometimes stole glances at vic who seemed to be happy. I just wish I was.

It was getting late and I felt like dying so I decided I should go home. "My mom just texted me. She wants me back home." I lied. Truth is, she probably won't be home till tomorrow evening.

Tony and mike nodded. Tony gave me a bro hug and mike gave me a handshake. Vic kind of looked sad when I told them but I figured I was just dreaming.

I started heading to the door when I heard footsteps behind me. Suddenly vic was standing by the door. "I'll walk you home." He says quietly with a smile.

I laugh softly "I think I can handle not even half a block." I say.

He frowns a but then insists "just let me be a good friend."

I nod and smile to myself. We start down the pathway of his house and a silence falls between us and it leaves me to think about much I suck.

"I had a really nice time today." He says interrupting my thoughts.

I smile. "Yea, I did too. We should do it again some other time." I say hoping he wouldn't think of me as a freak for even suggesting it.

"Yea, I'd love that. Except, next time, no homework." He states.

I smile and nod as we approach my house. Vic looks up at my house and at the empty driveway, Then back at me. "Where's your parents?" He asks in a worried tone.

"My moms working. My step dad is probably dri- i mean. Urm. Business trip." I say trying to hide my fucked up step dad.

He looks up at me his eyes sparkling from the glimmer of the stars. He looks concerned. Almost like he wants to say something. But he decides not to push it. "Alright, um, you gonna be ok by yourself?" He says.

"Yea, I'll survive." I say laughing in my mind because who knows. Maybe tonight's the night I end it. But I try not to think about that.

"Well um. Here, hand me your phone" he demands holding out his hand. I so desperately want to grasp it and hold it but I just slump my shoulders and hand him my phone.

He starts tapping away and I absentmindedly tugged at my sleeves. I glanced down at my shoes and thought about dancing with vic. How magical it was. How I wish I could live in that moment forever.

He hands me back his phone and before I glanced at it he engulfed me in a hug. I wish we could stay like that forever but we both pulled back and he waved his hand mumbling a goodnight.

I looked down at my phone to see the new contact "your dance partner" with a heart. I smiled like a fool and unlocked the door stepping inside the dull lifeless atmosphere while still surrounded in Vic's warmth.

I trudged up the stairs to my room and entered the dark cave landing on my bed ,luckily not missing. What a day.

I started thinking about vic and how he made me feel. Then I heard a car door slam. I wasn't expecting my mom back tonight.

I heard the front door open and the sound of crashing soon followed. I quickly rushed down the stairs almost tripping a few times. I ran to the light switch and fumbled with it until I got it on.

I looked down to the figure on the floor realizing it wasn't my mom. It was him. I sighed and looked at his shaking figure.

I began to help him up and he mumbled a few 'Get off me's' and 'don't touch me's' but I just continued to walk him to his bedroom.

I noticed his bloody face and black eye further cascading my eyes down his body realizing his shirt is stained with blood as well. I sigh and begin to take his shirt off.

Once it's off I lay him on the bed and go get my first aid kit. I return to find he hasn't moved. I begin to clean up the cuts that litter his stomach and I hear quiet sobs.

"It doesn't hurt that bad." I insist.

He shakes his head "it's not about that." He says.

I realize this is the first time he's talked to me without adding an insult on the end. I just nod and continue cleaning him up.

"Why're you helping me?" He says with tears in his already bloodshot eyes.

I sigh "because I couldn't just leave you there."

He sobbed even harder. "But I'm so bad to you" he says through tears.

I nod in agreement wishing I didn't have to deal with this. I went to retrieve him some ice for his bruises and black eye.

When I returned he had sat up a bit and was playing with his hands. I walked over to him and he finally realized my presence.

I shuffled over to the side of the bed, kneeling down, and began to put ice packs on the bruises on his torso. He hissed at the touch of the ice but didn't protest.

I then worked my way up to his face and began cleaning up the cuts on his face.

"How'd you get cuts if it was just a fist fight?" I ask curiously.

"We broke a window and I was pushed onto the shards." He says looking nowhere in particular.

I nodded and began putting on the ointment that would help his wounds not scar. I grabbed an ice pack and slowly lifted it to his black eye, his eyes shifting to meet mine.

He winced at the pain and I sort of felt sorry for him but I knew he didn't give two shits about me.

"Just hold that on your eye and it should heal up quicker." I mumble beginning to get up from my kneeling position. Once I'm standing I feel a tug on my wrist and I silently screech due to the pain.

Before I know what's happening I'm on top of Sed's body and he's flipping me over so that he's straddling my hips. I look into his eyes with fear and he's staring back with eyes filled with lust.

He leaned down holding my face firmly and kissed me harshly. I try to squirm out of his hold but it was hopeless. He is much stronger and larger than I am.

After what feels like hours of him violently making out with me and touching me in a place that I never wanted him to touch. He sloppily stopped kissing me and sighed rolling over, off of me.

I bolted out of his room, but not before looking back to see his sleeping, content, evil self.

So that night I cried myself to sleep thinking about how worthless I am and what I've become.

I feared getting up tomorrow. Wondering what he'd be like towards me. I almost relapsed.

Then I remembered I had to stop because it was pointless.

So I sat and stared into the utter dark abyss that was my room.

That was my life.

(A/N holy fuck I finally fixed this fucking chapter. Wattpad deleted all of it then I finally fixed it. Hope you enjoyed it. Comment, vote, share. Do whatever your heart desires)

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