Altera's Resident Psycho

44 4 1

3rd Person's POV

Chung stared into space, thinking about Eve and the marriage contract. 

Stupid marriage contract, he thought indignantly. It changes everything, huh...

 He snapped out of his thoughts when the loudspeaker called out, "Arrival at Altera in 1 minute! Please gather your belongings and prepare to leave the train!"

Chung, after gazing at Eve for a split second, gently shook her awake. Her amber eyes blinked wearily, before getting up to grab her backpack at the top rack. The train suddenly bumped and her black bag fell off the rack and hit the ground with a thud. Eve stumbled, off balanced, and Chung instinctively caught her. The silverette's startled amber eyes gazed into his cerulean blue ones. 

The two separated quickly and awkwardly, refusing to meet each other's glance. Without looking, Chung said nervously, "Here, let me help you, Eve."

He reached down, grabbed her backpack, and handed it to her. She muttered a barely audible 'thank you' as their fingers brushed. Chung grabbed his navy blue bag off the rack, while praying to Lady El that the girl didn't see his flushed cheeks. 

They exited the train as it pulled into the train station, and headed for the exit. They exited the Cobo Express Station and walked through the streets of Altera.

"So," Chung tried to start a conversation. "Do you know where to go?"

Eve nodded. "Yes. Add's workshop is near the Academy, which is near the fields."

"What does Add study at the academy?" Chung asked.

"He studies Nasod technology and tries to improve it, creating one of his weapons, the Dynamos. He's working on more ancient Nasod technology, most likely trying to create more Dynamos, or possibly that upgrade for Moby and Remy I asked him to do. I needed a demo of how the upgrade should be, so I hope he's working on that."

Chung continued to bring up more topics and Eve answered his questions. Their banter kept on going, until they reached Add's workshop.

"So, this is it," Chung mused thoughtfully.

The workshop was like a mini mansion, with large scraps of metal nailed together to make a wall, and there was no roof. The door was a large uneven piece of iron with hinges on the side and pieces of magenta iron decorating it.

Chung craned his head to look at the workshop.

"Was it always like this?" Chung asked. "You know...with the broken metal pieces...?"

Eve rolled her eyes and waved her hand distastefully around the workshop. "He probably destroyed his workshop and was too lazy to properly rebuild. The fool. His workshop is a mess."

"Why isn't there a roof?" Chung asked hesitantly.

The silverette replied, "Because of - "

She was cut off by a huge explosion from the workshop. Black and magenta smoke billowed out for the top. Amidst the residue noise, a long string of cuss words could be heard.

"...because of that," Eve deadpanned.


The couple approached the door and a small robot on wheels rolled out. "Name?" it asked.

"This is bull," Eve muttered. Louder, she called out, "Add, it's Eve! Let me in!"

The wheeled robot inched closer. "Name?! You may not enter without a name and some proper ID!"

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