Falling In Love With My Fiancee

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Eve's POV

After school, I walked to the Cobo Express Station. It had been a day since Rena called the meeting. I didn't know why Rena was so persistent in finding Ara a boyfriend though. Or trying to find out whether Chung likes me or not. Or trying to get Elsword to ask Aisha to be his girlfriend. Or looking for love for her friends. It, to me, was pointless. This was our life and we could do whatever we want. But Rena's schemes often helped others, as Elsword was too much of a chicken to ask Aisha on a date.

And Chung. She was trying to help, but I don't think her efforts would be enough to get Chung to like me back. We once were friends, a long time ago, back before the engagement was announced. Then, when we got engaged, he became angry and moody and ignored me all the time. It hurt to see my crush being so angry at me, but his freedom was taken away and he couldn't find someone he truly loved. Chung was stuck to me forever. But our relationship has gotten better, as he did started to act less angry and a tad more affectionate. We held hands and kissed in public, only because our parents made us. Even he had confessed so.

Ever since the engagement, Chung had confessed to me privately. He explained how he didn't really want to marry me, as he only saw me as just a good friend of his. He explained how he liked another girl, and that he only showed affection to me because his father requested that of him. He told me not to look too deeply into his brief moments of affection, that it meant nothing, and that I was free to like whomever I wished, as long as I did not develop a crush on him. 

Although he didn't know, it was already too late. But heeding his words, I tried to get over him.

I remember I used to like Elsword. He was, and still is, an annoying red haired brat, but I still liked him. He was kind to me when I first arrived at Velder Elementary Academy and became my friend when I needed one the most. However, he secretly liked Aisha, who was unaware of his crush. 

I once liked Raven as well, for I found him to be handsome, but I quickly got past that crush. He was too moody for me, and I was too dull for him. Only Rena was meant for him and she brightened his days.

I tried to like Add as well, but it did not work out. Although he was a psycho who was obsessed with getting my codes, I decided to give him a chance and he took me on a date. I hoped that perhaps we could form some sort of connection, but all he did was talk about my codes and what he would do with them. Needless to say, there was no second date.

I walked to the reception to buy a ticket to Altera, with my head full of thoughts. How would I tell Add about this? Be blunt as usual? That would save me time. I boarded the train a couple minutes later. Then, something unexpected happened.

"Eve!" a voice called out.

I turned to see a familiar boy with spiked blond hair and mesmerizing, cerulean blue, paw print eyes. I tried to steady my breathing. It was Chung. He quickly jumped onto the train as the doors closed, and took a seat next to me.

"What are you doing here?"I questioned.

"Father told me to follow you. He said it wasn't proper for me to leave my fiancé alone," he scoffed. "I'm sure you can take care of yourself, though. Your slaps could send someone to next week."

I nodded. "I agree. I have also been working on a side project, regarding my safety."

Chung's blue eyes gleamed with interest. "What is it, Eve?"

I snapped my fingers and call out, "Moby! Remy!"

Two drones, black and white, appeared in a zip of blue. I gestured to them. "This is Project: Twin Guardians. Also known as Moby and Remy."

His jaw dropped in astonishment. "Wow," Chung whispered. "You did this alone?"

"I did."

My fiancé grinned and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "That's amazing, Eve!"

I beamed proudly up at him, and he grinned back.

"May I sleep on your shoulder for the remainder of the ride?" I asked, rather hesitantly. "I haven't gotten much sleep, due to my diligent work on Moby and Remy.

Chung's eyes widened, then softened. "Of course. Take a nap, Eve. I'll tell you when we arrive."

I nodded my thanks,before I fell asleep on his shoulder. The last thing I felt was a pair of soft lips pressed against my forehead.

Chung's POV

I watched as Eve fell asleep on my shoulder, her pale eyelids fluttering shut. Her beautiful porcelain face was peaceful. I smiled to myself and before I could fight down the urge, I brushed my lips against her forehead.

I gazed down at the fragile girl leaning on me, and suddenly, any feeling of peacefulness washed away, replaced with a wave of resentment. 

This was the girl who took my freedom away. My freedom was gone because of this girl. I couldn't date anyone else because of her. Then I remembered: Eve had no choices either. We were both trapped in this marriage contract that bonded our companies together. I knew I had been cruel to her and she didn't deserve it. This wasn't Eve's fault. I knew that. But I needed someone to blame, besides my parents. At that moment, so long ago, I had decided that blaming her was the best option. 

I recalled our childhood friendship, how we had laughed and played together. I remembered the sweet smile playing across her face when I shared my ice cream sundae with her, and the light giggles that had erupted when we had accidentally gave ourselves whipped cream mustaches. I remembered my heart fluttering every time I got her to laugh. 

But it all changed when our parents proposed the marriage contract. I pulled away, stopped being friends with her. Although Eve tried not to show her emotions, I could still tell how hurt she was when I told her off when she tried to talk to me. I knew, as a child, I had developed feelings for her. But as I got older, I had lost our close friendship and maybe those feelings along the way. 

Did I?

lol I rewrote this entire chapter smh. sorry for the POV style switch; I wrote this chapter a long time ago and decided that having first person is a good style for this short section, even though I'm not really a fan either. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

~ Toodles, 


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