The Movies

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(There will be no spoilers for the actual movie, so don't worry about that.)

  "Two tickets for Infinity War, please," Aaron says to the cashier.
         "Sure thing."
Aaron pays, then him and Aph walk into the building to get snacks.
"What do you want to eat, Aph?"
"Oh! Just popcorn and a Dr. Pepper, please." Aphmau requests.
"Okay. I'll get it for you, why don't you go get us seats?" Aaron suggests.
"Sure thing," Aph replies.
Aphmau walks into the room and walks down one of the middle aisles. She sees a girl with blue hair, and what she thinks is a man with white hair, and beautiful green eyes.
"Hey Aph!" The girl yells to her. Aphmau realizes that it must be Katelyn. The boy must be Travis, he probably dragged her here.
"Hey Katelyn, hey Travis!" Aphmau half shouts, half says while she walks towards them.
"Hey Aph, did you not bring a date?" Travis questions.
"Oh, I'm with Aaron, he's just getting food," Aph explains. 
"Would you guys want to sit with us?" Katelyn asks.
"Sure! I don't think Aaron will mind." Aphmau answers.

No, I won't mind babe," Aaron has snuck up behind Aph and kissed her cheek.
"Looks like it's settled then," Katelyn answers for Aphmau.
"Smooth move, Aaron. You gotta teach me how to do that sometime," Travis tells Aaron.
"Travis, it isn't hard and maybe you should learn how to yourself?" Aaron questions.
"Both of ya shut up, the movies about to start," Katelyn demands.
Katelyn and Aphmau sit next to each other with their dates on either side of them.
Throughout the movie, Travis tries many moves on Katelyn, but she finally gives up on rejecting him when he puts his warm hand in her cold one.
"I am only letting you do this because I'm cold," Katelyn whispers.
"Whatever you say baby," Travis smirks.
"UUGHHH TRAVIS!!!" Katelyn accidentally yells, then hears many "shhhhhh's" from everyone around her.
"Sorry!" She half whispers.
To Katelyn's left, she sees her friend trying not to laugh at her mistake, while Aaron is quietly watching the movie. She looks over at Aphmau a few minutes later to see that she has calmed down, but that she is snuggling with Aaron.
"Aww, their so cute!" Katelyn nudges her date to get his attention.
"We could be like that, if you would let me..." Travis whines.
"Oh, fine Travis. Whatever."
By the end of the movie, Katelyn is on Travis's lap, with his hands wrapped around her waist. He occasionally leans his head forward to kiss her on the cheek.
The credits start rolling, and Aph turns to see the couple making out.
"Ew! Gross you two! Do you see how many people are around us?!" Aphmau half shouts, half talks.
Aaron just laughs, as does Travis.
"Hey, this is the only time she has let me, I'm taking advantage," Travis says confidentially, only to be elbowed in the stomach by, of course, Katelyn.
"Taking advantage, huh?" Katelyn interrupts.
"Owwww, Katelyn!" Travis whines.
"Let's go home,"  Aaron states.
"Sounds good to me," Aph replies.
"Me too," the other couple says in unison.
"Travis, I'm tired and don't feel like walking," Katelyn complains.
"Well, Aaron and I could take you guys home," Aph chimes in.
"Sure, we'd like that." Travis replies.
"Thanks, guys," Katelyn says.
"Well, lets get going!" Aph chimes in.
"Sure thing babe,"Aaron replies.
And with that, they all pile into Aaron's car.

Ha ha, it didn't take me a month to update, y'all should be so proud. I have ideas for the next few chapters, but if anyone has ideas then dm and I'll look into them.

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