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So what's wrong with me?
(Your pov)

I woke up after what felt like five days which really was about 3 hours.
I yawn waking up from my slumber and looks around. "Mmm I forgot I was here..." I yawn again sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
After two minutes passed I was up and heading downstairs I could here people taking laughing and even having funny arguments.
"Hey?" I said walking into the kitchen where everyone where eating. "Hm? Oh! Hey! Uh?" The yato boy looks at me confused forgetting my name "it's (y/n) idiot, anyways what y'all eating? It smells good"
I smiled walking over siting next to Yato.
"It's good of course! Want some~" he smiles holding a bowl to me
"Uh no thanks I'm not hungry" i say waving my hand in a way of saying 'no'
"Awe come on its good! Plus you need to eat for sleeping so long" he smiles and hands me a bowl again

I sigh as i took the bowl from Yato and started to eat "fine..i guess your right" I said as i took bites of the food.
"Ok so (y/n), you are able to see us correct" Hiyori asks "well yea didn't you see me take the bowl of food from Yato" i said while eating my food. "Ive been able to see them to ever since well its been awhile so i cant really say how long.
Yukine thinks while looking at me. "So why didn't you say anything?" He ask while he goes back to eating

"Well..because I kinda always thought I was imagining y'all two..." i look to the side "i know it's weird but i never thought much of it only that it was my imagination" it was quiet for a bit.
I then stood up "thanks for the meal it was very good" i smiled "but its getting late and I need to be getting home, if y'all need anything well hmm" i thought for a bit "text me"
I gave everyone my number and headed home.

'Should i have just stayed? I know i just met them but it's better then going back home to where ill be yelled at by my mother and my drunk father might just go to a bar and get even more drunk..i mean its not my fathers fault he really does try his best, and i know he cares for me he still tries to buy me a little bunny stuff animal even though I'm all grown up'

I sigh and shakes my head from my thoughts. Enough (Y/N) I just need to make it home before it gets any later.

As i was heading home i was passing an alley way, a worried feeling inside of me started to grow as I walked

'i was able to see gods,,,a demon cat and Hiyori in a weird demon looking form...whats wrong with me..' I couldn't explain anything to myself as i walked down the streets.

id take a breath as the night got darker. The sun heading to sleep so the moon can come out and played, I could only think about how crazy my mom is going from me being gone so long and my father probably drunk yelling at her to were i was.

"life sucks..." i mumbled and looked up and hurried home.

----- 20 minutes Later -----

"finally..."i mumbled threw pants as i walked to the door of my home, but it was strange instead of loud yelling i didn't hear anything.

"mom?...Mom!!" after i didn't hear yelling I got worried and ran inside.

The house wasn't trashed, it was dark no one inside.

"m-mom! dad! are y'all here!" I yelled looking around, but there wasn't anyone here.

"where are they..." I mumbled as i went to the kitchen after looking everywhere. "they wouldn't leave me..well..mom wouldn't leave me..all are stuff is still here.." I growled and banged my hand on the table "MOM!! DAD!!" I yelled loudly

'having some trouble young one'

"what! who was that!" I quickly turned around but no one was there "where is my mother and father!"

'you don't need them, they only cause suffering, you don't need them'

id flinch "what! of course I do! without them wh-" I was got off by a demon that looked like a fox with long ears and had one red eye and one dark blue eye.

'there nothing but trouble they cause you pain and you know that, your father a drunk, your mother being a push over, you don't need that do you' The demon fox had a wide smile.

Id flinch once again "i might not deserve a life like this but that doesn't mean i wish for them to go away, I will save them..and make good grades do everything possible to bring things back to how they used to be!" I yelled loudly

'Let me guide you to that victory' . The demon got closer, It smiled a placed its snout on my stomach.

My eyes widen as things went black as i passed out on the kitchen floor

'whats happening to me...'






I woke to the sun hitting on my face as i was in bed, i could smell the food being made downstairs from my mother. I sat up from my bed quickly breathing heavily

"a-a dream..it..has to be..no gods..no demons.." id take a breath and sighs as i got out of bed and started to get ready for school.

----- ??? P.O.V -----

' well well she strong..not for to long..she is a good 'human' to get my revenge...'

Scars & hopes- yato x reader ~Rae Bliss

Scars and hopes Yato x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now