First Letter Of Your First Name.....
A- Theo.
B- Mason.
C- Garrett.
D- Liam.
E- Nolan.
F- Peter.
G- Stiles.
H- Brett.
I- Matt.
J- Derek.
K- Young Peter
L- Ethan.
M- Isaac.
N- Jackson.
O- Mr. Harris.
P- Scott.
Q- Danny.
R- Boyd.
S- Aiden.
T- Young Derek.
U- Ennis.
V- Jordan.
W- Coach Finstock.
X- Deucallion.
Y- Corey.
Z- Gabe.First Letter of Your Last Name.....
...loves...A- ass.
B- girls.
C- Liam.
D- Justin Bieber.
E- penis.
F- older men and women.
G- boobs.
H- sex.
I- Selena Gomez.
J- Scott's Mom.
K- dogs.
L- O2L.
M- vagina.
N- guys.
O- poop.
P- cats.
Q- incest.
R- dick.
S- One Direction.
T- me. (Self)
U- uni-brows
V- America.
W- food.
X- sleep.
Y- Steve Harvey.
Z- The UK.
FanfictionHey, this is Megan?☺?♎??? The title pretty much explains it ?❤❤❤? ~This is ◆◆◆BOOK 2◆◆◆, check out BOOK 1 first to understand BOOK 2~ Preferences include: ____________________ Isaac Lahey Liam Dunbar Theo Raeken & Brett Talbot