Damien|☆|Lover Boy

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『 B a d a s s!R e a d e r 』
* Cursing, lime, vandalism *
This boy is so fucking hot, fml
Requested by @CandyCresent123 @TuezMoi
[ Hope you don't mind I combined yours ]
Word Count :  1438

School fucking sucked. It was always the same old-same old; classes were boring, plays were sad excuses for entertainment, the gym stank of indescribable odors, and the cafeteria served shitty food that was barely edible. So, here you were at your usual residence, the school bathrooms. Surprisingly there weren't many monsters around, they were probably enjoying themselves at today's rave. Typical. You weren't like them though.

See, you were known around the school as a grade A, certified badass. You weren't that stereotypical monster who skipped classes and flipped tables, those were mere hobbies. No, you were just a friendly neighborhood criminal.  You liked to call it "playing hard to get" with the local police force. Leather jackets, ripped jeans, piercings, and even a few tattoos adorned your body 24/7. You were caught threatening to end a goblin's life during the beginning of the year and word spread around like wildfire that there was a new baddie on campus. Thanks to your infamous reputation, your social status rose too. Currently, you were one of the school's 7 most favored students. Monsters drooled over you guys. Yeah, you lived the good life.

Currently, you were vandalizing the back of the bathrooms with spray cans and posters of porn stars ( the posters weren't yours... they were Valerie's ). As you added your tag onto giant fire breathing dragon you had spent the last hour, you were interrupted by an impressed whistle from behind.

"Damn Y/N, you got fucking skills."

You didn't need to turn around to recognize the voice. You two were partners in crime,  after all. You replied with a huff, "Yeah yeah LaVey, now shut it before someone else sees or I'll deck ya."

Only a quiet hmph was heard. Odd. Damien was unusually quiet. You decided to not mention it, thinking he probably left. However, when you turned back around, there he was. He was staring at you with an indecipherable expression. To shake off the awkward feeling in your gut, you face the the dragon again and piped up. "What brings you to my humble hangout? If you're here for a poster, no can do. I still gotta hit up the gym."

Silence was the only reply.



The growled word stopped you mid-sentence. You started to turn around. What? You closed your eyes, facepalming. He probably wanted to blame you for another one of his failed attempts to commit arson on the school. Eyes still closed, you continued to slowly face his direction until-

SLA !!!


Your eyes reflexively opened, your wrists were being held tightly by his hands. Your back was pressed against the wall and your legs were pushed apart by his knee. His eyes were burning with something different. Lust? He growled and tightened his hold, making you flinch and glare back. You weren't exactly intimidated, more taken aback. "What do you think you're doing?"

This time he didn't interupt you verbally, no. Instead, he roughly slammed his lips against yours, using your surprised reaction to slip his tongue in. At first you resisted, eyes wide open and arms trying to escape his grasp to no avail. He growled again and inched his knee upwards, pushing closer and closer to the heat between your legs. It was getting hard to breath with him both exploiting your wet cavern and dangerously hovering near your already boiling nether regions. You wimpered, signaling you needed oxygen. He pulled away, understanding, and repositioned his mouth to suck harshly on the crook of your neck. Sloppy, openmouthed kisses now lined your collarbone. Shit, you were enjoying this.

You bit your lip, fighting back a moan and moving your head to the side to give him easier access. You could feel him smirk against your neck, that smug little fucker. Gasps escaped you, sounds of your panting and the lewd noises of his mouth filled your ears, making your head fall back against the wall. At this point you were numb to any pain you recieved, too engulfed in Damien's actions. His knee was still moving up and down, right underneath your core. You couldn't think straight, let alone wonder why he aggressively embraced you in the first place. It didn't matter, you weren't one to complain since you were enjoying every second of it.

He bit down on your neck again, marks would sure be visible on your skin afterwards. You growled, a warning he needed to let go. He obeyed, while licking a stripe up your exposed flesh to somewhat soothe the pain he inflicted only seconds before. His hands freed yours as they traveled down to tug at your hips, rocking them against his. Deafened by your erotic noises, you didn't noticed his mutterings. He cursed, growled, and groaned each time your hips collided.

"Ah, fuck. Shit, that feels good... I can feel ya through those jeans, Y/N~ Already that needy?" he teased, grinning sadistically as your head dropped onto his shoulder, trying to muffle your sounds. The moment the words left his mouth you went stiff and pushed him back, keeping your head down.

"That's it, asshole."

Your eyes snapped open and you scowled, catching him by surprise as you grabbed his forearms and switched positions. Now he had his back against the wall, trapped powerless against your scalding gaze and iron-like grip. You grinned at his flustered state, a complete 180° from only moments prior.

You two quickly became immersed in another heated makeout session, but this time you were in control. You were both pressed against one another, each set of hands eagerly touching, groping, feeling. Damien fought to regain dominance but he couldn't help but groan and let your mouth take over his when you began to palm him through his jeans. Pink hues were visible on both parties, from the tips of your ears to the ache between your legs. The both of you were so consumed with one another that you both failed to notice the amused polygeist and irritated vampire nearby until the latter cleared his throat.

"Ahem — bathrooms are for shitting, not shagging. If you two want to get in eachother's ill-fitting pants that desperately, I suggest you move elsewhere, where you are at less of a risk to be found by unwitting eyes," Liam adjusted his glasses and rolled his eyes, putting a hand on his hip.

You quickly pulled your mouth away from Damien's as you hid your face in his chest, trying to retain oxygen and rid yourself of your prominent blush. He sent a murderous glare at the two and wrapped his arms around your waist protectively, "What the fuck do you dickbags want? Can't you see we're in the middle of something?"

"For once, I gotta agree with Batty over here. As much as I do love a good makeout session, I usually prefer being a participant." Polly waved a hand dismissively, "If you guys could move and let us take your spot as a hideout from the rave's drunkards that'd be great!"

That vamp glanced at the few spray paint bottles scattered by your feet with an unimpressed look, "Really? Pornography posters on the bathroom wall is so cliché. You could've tried to be creative. I'll acknowledge the dragon though, well done." The hipster crossed his arms and squinted at you both, "Hmm, leave and I'll conveniently forget about the vandalism you've done to this wall and we won't bother you two again. Deal?"

At this point both you and Damien were both facing the other duo. He had his arm around your shoulders while your arms were crossed. You nudged the demon and exchanged a look, he only half-shrugged and winked. A devilish grin appeared on your face as you turned your gaze to Liam and lifted your chin to agree.

"Fine, but if you start hearing things, don't blame it on us."

And with that, you shrugged Damien's arm off your shoulders and grabbed his hand, leading him into the bathroom. With your back to the closed door, his hands immediately found your waist and squeezed. His sharp fangs nipped at your neck playfully. You grinned, locking the door and wrapping your arms around his neck. With your lips brushing his ear and emitting a husky whisper, you ignited his burning desire once more.

"Finish what you started, lover boy."

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