Brian|○ ☀︎|Slow Dance

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『 S h o r t!D e m o n!R e a d e r 』
* Swearing, a little angst?? *
On prom night, your date decides to leave you so you escape outside where you find a certain undead boy (^_−)−☆. Guys I'm so proud of this, writing this honestly made me appreciate Brian more!! I wrote this in one sitting cause the inspo hit hard. Credit to @/mijusan on Tumblr for this awesome fanart! Enjoy!
Requested by @KitsugaOwO
Word Count: 1664

Prom night was supposed to be fun. Prom night was supposed to be a night where teenagers could dress up, have fun with their friends, and skip to third base with random monsters when they got drunk. Prom night is a night filled with joy or regret. So why were you sitting alone at a table with an empty drink in your hand, feeling angry yet heartbroken? The middle of the dance floor held your date, well, ex-date, with their mouth on another girl.

You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that night and scanned the gym again to see if there was anyone else you knew to hang with so you wouldn't feel like a loser. There was Damien in the corner with a line of tipsy and giggly girls (and a few guys) waiting for their hair and makeup to be touched up before taking their prom pic. Liam and Vera were chatting near the punch bowl and seemed to be comparing photos taken of various dishes. Polly was encouraging Scott at the pin-the-tail-on-the-dragon game over near the gym's entrance. Amira and Vicky were pulling an unwilling Oz to the photo booth... Nope.

Yeah, it didn't look like you were joining them anytime soon.

To the left was the gym's exit. I should probably get some fresh air. Yeah... Fresh air. You stood up and wove your way through the monsters grinding on the dance floor.

"Better than looking like an lonely idiot here, I guess," you muttered.

Reaching the door, you carefully pushed it open, looking around for anyone that might have snuck out to tap third base. Looks like it's just me. Great. Strolling farther away from the school, you see that there's actually a garden set up back there. Rose bushes that surely weren't there a couple weeks ago now lined trails leading to a white fountain. Lillies, violets, tulips, and bleeding hearts (the flowers... not literal organs) were scattered between the bushes. Lanterns hung over your head, alternating between white and yellow lighting. It looked like a lovely fairytale.

You broke the peaceful silence with unconcealed awe once you reached the fountain, turning around towards the school to admire the setting, "Woah... How has no one else found this?"

"I know right? It's a shame we're the only ones to see it."

The unexpected reply made you jump and turn around hurriedly. Sitting behind the fountain was Brian, dressed in a white tux and black undershirt, with a white tie to compliment the outfit. He looks... dashing. You blushed, whether in embarrassment or attraction, you couldn't tell. He continued, seemingly unaware of the pink that graced your naturally red complexion. "There's even benches to sleep on, much better than that sexual mess they call a prom."

You had stayed in your position, half hidden by the statue in the fountain's center. You stayed silent, not trusting yourself to speak.

The zombie furrowed his brows and strode over. Oh my Satan, he's even hotter up close. Was he always this tall?? Damnit, I shouldn't be thinking like this. "Uhh, you okay?" he inquired, poking your forehead teasingly.

Realizing you were staring, you refocused your gaze to the ground. Your blush worsened and you managed to squeak out, "U- um. Yeah, you just surprised me, that's all."

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