Oz |☀︎|Ozzie

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『 P e p p y!R e a d e r 』

* Cursing, I'm using they/them pronouns for Oz , he/him for Brian, and she/her pronouns for Vicky and Amira *
Sorry but you'll be a bit oblivious in this one?
Requested by @dolledupj
Word Count: 1811
I wrote this in like January but published it the end of December oop—

Oz blushed heavily, a bright pink replacing the previously charcoal color of their cheeks. They failed to conjure up a reply and only managed to squeak out incoherent syllables. It didn't help them to calm down when your face was barely two inches away from theirs. It really didn't help that your radiant smile and wide, innocent eyes were directed towards them, waiting for a response to your invitation to eat lunch together. It definitely didn't help that they could hear the obvious giggles and snorts their friends tried to hide from behind them. 'Guys please, you're really not helping right now.'

To their relief, you lowered your heels to the ground, no longer tip-toeing to reach an eye-to-eye level yet still maintaining an expectant look on your face.

"So, waddaya say? Wanna sit with me at lunch, Ozzie?" you chirped. They honestly couldn't decline your offer even if they tried. You were just too adorable to turn down, especially since they've had the biggest crush on you since freshman year.

Oz buried their hands into their pockets, with a sheepish smile towards you, they managed an answer, "Um, o-o-of course! Any-anytime Y/N, d-don't worry about it!" 'Oh my god Oz, you idiot! They're gonna think you're super clingy and weird! Now they'll never-'

"Great!" you unknowingly interupted their internal flip out. "See you then!" your farewell was accompanied by a soft boop to your crush's nose, causing thus another wave of pink to wash over their cheeks. Oz watched you skip away from their desk and over to your own, stunned into silence.

They slowly sat back down, processing what had just happened when their franken-friend spoke up from behind them, causing them to twist around and face her.

"That was pretty smooth, my dude. She totally likes you back! Why else would she ask you to sit with her at lunch?" Vicky encouraged her best friend with a close-eyed grin and two thumbs up. The flustered monster frantically shushed her in fear of being overheard as Vicky continued to giggle.

This earned an amused snort from the desk to Vicky's right, where Brian was currently lounging, lazily resting his cheek on his fist, "I don't know, Vicks. Maybe they just wanted to spend time with their friend, Ozzie here." His quip and teasing smirk earned a glare from Ozzie and a cackle from their fiery friend.

"Duh, it's not like Ozzie's blush is obvious whenever they talk to them or anything. Nope, definitely not! Definitely not hardcore crushing on them," Amira grinned evilly, fistbumping Brian. She too, was unfazed by Oz's fruitless attempts at glaring.

Oz's phobias were now nudging their chin to try and turn them towards Y/N's direction, where they were currently laughing with Polly and Scott about something. They sighed, impatiently drumming their fingers on the desk, waiting for class to start.

After what felt like an eternity, class ended with a new assignment and a week's notice of an exam coming up. The gang rose, eager to get to the cafeteria for their long-awaited lunch. Y/N jumped up from her seat and bounded over to Oz and the group, beaming.

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