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Messages (1)

fu xi xi 🌟 sent you a message

fu xi xi 🌟
i miss you mei.

wow, he also miss me? | deleted

fu xi xi :((

can we talk??

fu xi xi 🌟 is calling ....

answer | decline

[ bold - chengcheng
italic - mei mei ]

"mei mei"

"fu xi xi..."

"what do you want?"

"cheng, are you mad at me? what did i do wrong to make you ignore me?"

"shh, don't cry. you didn't do something"

"then why are ignoring me?"

"because i dont want to have a fight on someone just because we love the same person.. mei mei, i like you. wenjun also likes you.. that's why i kept on avoiding you.. im sorry mei mei"

"so what if wenjun likes me?"

"wenjun and i made a deal.."


"mei mei, can we meet up tomorrow?"


"okay, i got to go.. bye"


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