jungjung im gonna go shopping for xinchun's birthday gift
chengchengg no we should go all together without xinchun
yorichuang if we are all going together is mei ying jie also coming with us?
chengchengg YES
chengchengg im gonna text her.. again, since i said that i'll be there in her house in 4 pm
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chengchengg mei ying ssi are you ready?
chengchengg since you are coming with us, we plan to buy xinchun a gift with you
xuxumei that sounds fun
chengchengg open your door im here already
chengchengg girls..
chengchengg it's okay i'll just wait.
I threw my phone away and get out of my room quickly.
I quickly opened the door.
"H-hey Cheng." I said panting "Eh? Why are you panting? did you run?" He asks. "Probably, and for that I almost tripped on myself." i said trying to catch my breath. "Really?" he smirks "You're too early it's only 3:30 pm." I said as I playfully punch his arms making him winced "come inside." i offered him to come inside "sure."
"cheng, wait here okay? im gonna change." i said as walked upstairs and he nodded.
since i already took a bath, i only need to change my clothes.
since it's xinchun's birthday today im gonna wear red.
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that's what im gonna wear.
"YA FAN CHENG CHENG!!" I shouted. "WHAT?" I heard him shouted too "COME HERE!" I said as I heard him complaining. "Open the door." wah, he's so fast "That's open, idiot." I said as I look into the mirror. I heard the door opened, once Cheng got inside his eyes widened. "Why?" I ask. "Mei Ying, That's too sexy. Go change." He said. "Eh, Why?" I said as I pout. "Duh, we're all boys." Right. "Now, go change." He said as he walks out. He's like a brother to me even tho we're in the same age.
So yes, I changed my outfit.
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I hope this boy won't tell me to change again.
"Fan Cheng Cheng!" I shouted and he immediately opened the door. "Yes?" His eyes widened again. I raised an eyebrow to him. "Wah! So pretty." He said as he smiles and his eyes are like full of sparks. "Am I? I still feel like I look like potato.." I said as I turn around to see myself again in the mirror. "Correction : A hot potato." He smirks. Lol, Why do they keep on calling me a hot potato? "Cause, you're hot." He said then started wiggling his eyebrows. "Get lost, Cheng." I said then threw a pillow at him, luckily he dodged. "FASTER MEI YING IT'S ALREADY 3:59 PM!!" He complained. "All right." I said as I put on a perfume.