Chapter 11 Why Am I Crying?!

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WARNING - Slightly graphic sexual scene in this chapter.


I open my eyes feeling warmth on my face from the lovely sunlight shining into the room. I stretch out but I freeze as I realize something else too.

The bed is not against a wall... What am I pressed against? And what has their arms around me?!

"Good Morning." He breathes in my ear and I shiver and quickly jump up so I am standing on the bed looking down at him.

"KAKASHI!!" I scream and his eyes snap open and he stares at me with confusion and surprise.

"What?!" He shouts back now looking around the room to see if maybe there is an intruder of some sort.

"What the hell were you doing?!" I scream, taking him by surprise again so he falls out of the bed and onto the floor and gives me an irritated look for it.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." He says looking annoyed and I step off the bed and walk over to him with a furious look in my eye.

"You were... cuddling with me!" I shout and he frowns and stands up.

"Really? I don't know why I would do that, it is kind of gross to think about." He says and he walks to the bathroom and slams the door shut.

Ouch... Wait why did that insult hurt me? Maybe he is implying that I am just gross in general and that is why I feel offended... But he has said worse things in the past that didn't bug me.

I know! It must be because we are supposed to be friends?

I groan and flop down on my back on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

Why have my thoughts been betraying me lately? Instead of wanting to kill Kakashi every time I look at him I want to be nice to him or smile...

I bite my lip as I think about the feeling of his strong arms around my body and feel my cheeks heat up. We were spooning, I could feel him pressed against me and it felt good...

Damn you Konoha this is all your fault!!!

I groan and get up making my way to the dresser that we are now sharing I put on some comfortable clothes for the day that are easy to move in... So basically wearing almost nothing. 

I do my hair up in a ponytail leaving my bangs down and I head into the kitchen to start making breakfast.

By the time I am done frying up the eggs Kakashi comes into the kitchen dressed and ready for the day but still looking half asleep, he sits and I place the plate of food in front of him then I sit across from him and start to dig into mine.

"You guys are starting to act like an old married couple or something." I spit out my food and I turn to stare at Pakkun in shock. He snorts and he jumps on the couch and sits while staring over at us.

I steal a glance at Kakashi to see him staring at Pakkun with his eyes narrowed and I look back at Pakkun to see him now licking himself.

"Pakkun can you do that somewhere else? I am trying to eat here." I say rudely and he snorts and he heads out of the room. He is such a jerk in the mornings.

"You know what I am not even hungry anymore." I say in disgust after watching Pakkun lick himself. I pick up my plate and drop the leftovers in the garbage then put the plate in the sink and Kakashi does the same. I turn to head out the door but I trip over the leg of one of the chairs and I fall straight onto Kakashi and we tumble onto the ground with me on top of him.

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