Chapter 24 - Blood Tiger Awakens

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I walk through the gates with a determined look on my face feeling dread sweep over me as the ANBU immediately descend upon me and surround me. I get slightly breathless as I feel his presence and I spot him easily in the crowd staring at me with shock.

"Mala? You really came back?" He asks looking unsure and I feel my eyes begin to water at the sight of him.

All I want is to run into his arms and stay there forever...

"State your business." I turn to see Tsunade standing with her arms crossed and an angry glare on her face and I walk over to her.

This is it.

"I am here to be placed under arrest and own up to my crimes. I would like to request... e-execution before I murder someone else." I say leaving me breathless and her eyebrows raise.

"NO! Mala what the hell are you talking about?!" I turn around to see Kakashi now standing only a few feet away and the urge to grab him is overwhelming.

"If she is owning up to these crimes and admitting to murder we have no choice but to follow the law Kakashi." Tsunade says seriously and he shakes his head.

"No I won't lose her again Tsunade." He says looking determined and I step toward her with my arms extended so they can cuff me.

"Kakashi leave." I say with as much power as I can and he stares at me with disbelief.

"Mala what are you doing? Is Hisao making you do this?" He asks and I shake my head.

"This is the one thing he isn't making me do." I say quiet so only he can hear and Tsunade slaps the chakra draining cuffs onto me and I welcome the security they give me.

"I thought you were immortal and couldn't be killed." She says giving me a suspicious look.

"I can be killed. You have to incinerate me, just burn me to death I guess." I say with no emotion and she gives me a crazy look then nods.

"Take her to the interrogation room right away, and do not allow Kakashi anywhere near it!" She shouts and I see Kakashi about to protest but I am teleported away to a familiar cold room where a smiling Ibiki waits and I smirk at him.

"Looks like you finally get to do what you have always wanted Ibiki." I say coldly and his smile grows wider.

I take a deep breath and I let the Anbu guide me to a chair in the middle of the room that they fasten me to.

1 Day Earlier

I smile as his eyes roam my body hungrily and I bite my lip at the thought of him touching and kissing me.

"Is it truly you?" He asks with a hope in his eyes no poor soul would ever dream of crushing and I smile at him.

"You finally freed me." I say with a powerful seductive voice and he smiles and walks toward me.

"But sadly it is not permanant. You still share a body with Mala of course." He says hesitantly and I give him a dangerous look but shrug anyways.

"What's the worst she can do? I am immortal now and the only way to kill me is to kill herself. But you didn't tell her how to die did you?" I ask and he smiles nervously causing me to growl.

"She doesn't remember though, when I told her she was still in spirit form." He gushes and I sigh in frustration.

Why do I have to be in love with someone so dull sometimes? 

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