Were It All Began

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Cath Parker and Ben Cooper were best friends from day one. They had been neighbours since they can remember, gone to the same schools and even had their own not so secret place, the lake side. They were inseparable. Every Sunday afternoon the Coopers and Parkers would gather by the lake to have their famous barbecue. The kids Stephanie and Cath, Aaron and Ben would play around with the dog and skim rocks into the water whilst their parents would sip wine and roast meat. It was the perfect family picture, the ones you would find in an American movie or in a tv show. 

"C," Ben turned his head to look at Cath who was sat by him watching the sun set whist the others packed away  "Yes, Benjamin?" she said not looking away from the sun. 

He sat up "You know those sitcoms were people promise to marry each other if they are alone by 35?"

"I've heard of it," She looked at him unsure 

"We should do that, I mean I see you as a sister and all but if I had a choice of marrying some one  I think it would have to be you. After all, I don't want to be buried alone." He pointed out she just chuckled since she knew something thick this were to happen.

"Glad to know I'm your back up." She elbowed him smiling. Ben thought she was gorgeous in general, but when she smiled something just blew up inside him at once. "You know what I mean." he murmured "Most likely you would marry some famous, rich guy but if that doesn't happen then, well," 

" I'm there for you." Ben whispered 

"But what if I'm 36 and married to you then I meet a hot famous rich guy?" She questions 

"Unlucky him because you would already be Mrs Cooper." He smirks  "So is this a deal?" He stretched out his hand.

"Deal." She smiled, pushed him into the muddy grass and ran back home laughing.


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