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I ran up to my room with all of these different emotions taking over my body. I thought to myself I can't be falling for Ries, well not so quickly at least. But what's not to fall for she is beautiful and smart and she has the most guy wrenching smile i've ever seen...... Bronx ok, ok snap out of it you have a girlfriend yea ok..... Let me call Symphony to see how she's doing.

Phone conversation

Me:Hey love

Sym:Oh hey, I didn't expect you to call

Me:I'm your boyfriend why wouldn't i call?

Sym:Nothing, nothing, can we continue this conversation I'm busy doing ummm homework.

Me: yes sure no pro.......

The line went dead, did she really just hang up on me? She has been acting really weird and she sounded a little nervous on the phone. Probably my imagination you know..... With that I took a shower got changed and went to bed, but with Aeries on my mind. A couple of minutes later I was out cold.

Sigh, what a day, Bronx was not what I expected at all he is much nicer than I thought. Millions of thoughts ran through my mind and I smiled at them well that's until my phone lit up and it showed my ex calling me.... Why is this dude calling me, I'm not even going to answer this, and with that I let my phone ring out. I went and took a shower and got ready for bed, when I came back to my room my phone was loaded with calls and text. I only replied to my friends and ignored the guy I actually called a boyfriend. Ugh I don't even want to mention his name. So I laid in my bed and was thinking about Bronx and I felt a smile creep across my face. I mean am I getting attached to him for real, I don't even know him like that. But something about him is different and I like it. With those thoughts on my mind I fell asleep and it was the best sleep I've had in a while.

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