Want to move on?

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You try!

You keep trying!

But do you know that trying to move on is what kills the most?

Do you know that trying to move on is what keeps you in tears?

Yes, you meet new people!

Yes, you get infatuations!

Guess what, you might fall in love too!

But none of it all will remove the broken part in you.

None of it all will remove the part of you that is scared like hell.

None of it all is gonna remove the fact that you will still sit alone in your room and cry yourself up.

Thinking of all you've gone through.

Thinking of all the pain.

Thinking of the fact that no matter how much you try, you can never be happy again.

You know what hurts more?

Its not the sad memories!

Its not the time you realized you have been living in a lie!

But the happiest moments of all.

They are the ones that make you cry.

They are the ones that break your heart into pieces.

They are the ones that make you feel like every sad song is about you.

They are tho ones that show you that nothing is real in this life,

That nothing lasts.

They show you there is no perfect future.

Everything becomes about you.

Love is a cycle.

One that always ends with a heart break no matter what.

But here is one thing!

You know what is happening when you are seated crying hard for them?

They are happy, excited and laughing with somebody else!

You know the saddest of all?

A heart break is a heart break!

It lasts forever.

There is nothing that can erase it.

That is the thought you get after a first loves' heart break.

So what if it happens often!

What if heart break becomes your specialty now?

What do you do?

Looks like you can no longer support yourself in life!

Do you die then?


You die.

Not physically!

Your mental self dies.

The emotional part of you dies.

You stay numb. You become a stone.

As it is said; fall in love and you will die every day!

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