Caden's POV
*right after the attack*
I sat in my room trying to figure out why i had tried to kill Rebecca. I liked her. She was a nice girl but she was not my girl. I had liked her from the beginning of middle school and after I attacked her with the rock i knew that she would never talk to me again no matter how hard i tried and Max would keep it that way.
Rebecca's POV
The hospital just let me leave and everyone keeps telling me to keep fighting and don't stop trying to remember things because nobody knows that i know everyone's name and nobody is forgotten. Instead i try to focus on the real problem. School tomorrow. Since the 'accident' I have been given a wheelchair and everyone knows that i'm going to be babied because of it. I can walk i wasn't run over so why am i stuck in the chair? I don't have narcolepsy so just get me the hell out!