Chapter 3: Secrets To Be Kept

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A/N: Here is the chapter where you will find out what is going on with Kurai and the so called 'prince' not to mention Yasha. Enjoy!

My eyes shot open and I sprung up in my bed. What the hell was that? A dream? More like a nightmare. I looked at my clock and realized I had gotten up before my alarm. I hate it when I do that. Once I'm awake I don't want to go back to sleep. I decided to get dressed and go on my laptop for a bit. I plugged in my headphones and went to my music where I played Ludo. I began to hum with the music as I listened to the words.

I'll tell it like it happened. It was Darius and Noland and me.

Just a few po boys trying to get up out of Missouri.

Took 55 to Louisiana, stopped by the highway to eat.

They both had craw fish. Strictly chicken for me.

Back out under thunderheads, the radio was Southern soul.

They interrupted Clarence Carter with a strange ass local show.

They were saying.

Come down to Lake Ponchartrain. Rest your soul and feed your brain. That's where you will get to see. Everything the water can be.

I went online while the music was still playing and began to watch some random videos on youtube. I needed a laugh to get my mind off of the dream I had so I looked up some prank videos and pulled up over 500,000 videos. People have a lot of free time on their hands. I watched about 10 videos in the remaining time it took for my alarm to finally go off. I turned off my laptop and grabbed my bag. When I reached the kitchen, dad was already eating and mom was preparing my plate. They both looked at me and smiled, my mom beating my dad to the greetings. "Morning sweetie. Did you sleep well?" That would be a no. But I knew that if I told my mom that, being her curious self, she'd ask why and I don't think she'd take me seriously if I told her what I dreamt about and it being way too real.

I just nodded and put on a fake smile. "Yep. I slept great." My mom set my plate down and smiled again. When I began eating, my dad decided it was his turn to talk. "Kurai. I need to tell you something." I just looked at him with a mouth full of food and gave him the 'speak' look. He took a deep breathe and seemed to be bracing himself for something. "That trip that I promised we would go on? We're going to have to cancel." I almost choked on my food when the words reached my ears. I looked at him then at mom who just stared at the floor. I see. He was bracing himself for my outburst. Good thing he's prepared because I'm now pissed.

I looked back at dad and swallowed hard before putting a bit of venom in my words. "What do you mean we're going to have to cancel?! We had been planning that trip for months now!" Dad just looked at me with a sad expression and put a comforting tone in his voice which didn't help. "I know. But I have a lot of work to do that was going to take up my time even if we went. I'm sorry." I just banged my fists on the table and grabbed my bag. I began to walk out of the house but stopped to glare at my dad. "Sorry doesn't cut it." With that, I left, leaving a sad pair of parents in the kitchen. I walked on my way to the train station, still angry about the news. Sure, I may have gone a bit overboard on the pissed part but I had been looking forward to going to Florida for a long time now. And thanks to my dad's work, we had to cancel.

I spaced out and didn't realize I was about to get on the wrong train, when Yasha suddenly called out my name and I was pulled from my thoughts. I stepped away from the train and watched the doors close as it began to drive away. I looked at Yasha who was already standing next to me and scowling. "Watch where you're going. If you had gotten on that train, you wouldn't be able to get off until you were in another part of Japan." I didn't answer. I was too busy remembering the dream I had about Yasha and the 'prince'. It freaked me out. Especially the part where Yasha said I belonged to him. Yasha waved his hand in front of my eyes which were still staring at him and made me come back to Earth.

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