10. Breakdown

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The first thing Blaise did once he was far enough from the potions room was collapse against the nearest wall and drag a hand down his face.

Pansy is going to have a field day once she knows that she was right all along, Blaise miserably thought to himself. The hardest thing about this situation, other than the situation itself, was that he was going to admit to Pansy that she was right. He had no choice but to tell her, since he was a hopeless mess anyway.

He laughed humorlessly as he staggered away from the support of the wall in an effort to get himself to the common room.

To be completely honest with himself, he had never been so terrified and helpless in his life. He had never actually liked anyone, at least, not like this, or as much as he liked Neville, who, with his cute blushes and wonderful kindness, made Blaise feel a warmth he had never felt before.

Usually, during similar times of emotional instability, he would find himself a nice girl to fool around with in order to distract himself...but now? It felt somehow wrong to do that, as if it was a betrayal to Neville, maybe even himself, although his newfound feelings didn't somehow make them dating.

Blaise wanted to rip his thoughts from his mind and never place himself at their mercy ever again.

"Zabini?" Draco called from somewhere down the hall.

Blaise's scattered thoughts were interrupted as he turned around to see the blond come up to him and grip his arm.

"You all right?" Draco asked, grey eyes wide with worry. "You really don't look too good..."

"I...I like Neville," Blaise rasped, clutching the sleeve of his friend like a complete madman.

"Uh," Draco said, looking confused and unsure of what to do. "I'm gonna get you to Pansy, okay? Just hold on for a bit."

Draco then dragged a shaky Blaise to the Slytherin common room and pushed him into a chair by the fire.

Blaise had never been happier to sit back and relax on the green sofa.

Draco returned minutes later with a worried Pansy at his side.

"I'm just going to...leave you to it, alright?" He said to Pansy. He then turned to Blaise and smiled reassuringly. "Just give a shout if you need me, alright? I'll be in the dorm."

The blond walked away and Blaise watched helplessly from where he sat. There went his only sane friend.

"So, you finally realized it, huh?" Pansy said as she walked over to Blaise's pitiful form. "Of course, I knew it all along, but you just wouldn't listen to me!"

She sat down next to Blaise and patted his back. "What made you realize it?"

"I..." Merlin, this was embarrassing. "I wanted to...to ki-kiss him."

"Ah, that'll do it," Pansy said sympathetically. "How are you holding up?"

Blaise looked into Pansy's eyes and glared. How did it look like he was holding up?! Not well, obviously. If anything, he was having a complete breakdown.

"Alright, alright," Pansy said, brushing her clothes down in a business-like manner. "What are you going to do about it? Will you ask him if he wants to go to the next Hogsmeade trip with you?"

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