12. Abandoned Classrooms

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Abandoned classrooms

After that particular incident, Blaise rushed to the Slytrin dorms in the hope that, when he got there, Pansy would offer some advice. She would know what to do.

When Blaise entered the common room, he wasn't really expecting Pansy to be sitting in one of the high-backed green and silver couch with her arms crossed expectantly.

"Where have you been?" She asked, arching a dark, thin brow. "Hopefully not with some girl who you've convinced to help you forget your oh-so-terrible problems."

"Pans," Blaise began, not even knowing where to start. "Where would I find a girl this early in the morning? Are you fully awake yet?"

"Oh, I'm awake," Pansy assured, "and grouchy as hell. Do you have any idea what it is like, to be sleeping somewhat soundly, only to be woken up by Draco's stupid owl with a message saying he has no idea where you are? Do you?!"

Blaise didn't think that this was a question that was meant to be answered.

"We are worried about you, Blaise Zabini!" Pansy continued, eyes wide and face pink from her ranting. "If you had only seen yourself last night! You were all staggering and in shock, we didn't know what you were capable of doing! So when Draco sent me an owl about how you were missing from your bed, I was worried! I didn't know where you were, what you were up to, nothing! So when I ask about your whereabouts, you will answer!"

Blaise could see that Pansy was working herself up into a bad state, and would probably end up waking up the whole Slytherin house, so he gave in to Pansy's demands.

"I was out to get some fresh air," Blaise said, "with some peace and quiet, maybe watch the sun rise..." And there was Blaise's mistake. Immediately after he mentioned the sunrise, Neville's beautiful complextion in the glow of the sun's golden rays was in his mind, making him blush slightly.

"Galloping gargoyles...are you blushing?!" Pansy exclaimed. "Oh Salazar, you're blushing, I never thought I would see the day..." Pansy was fanning herself with her hands now, looking up at the ceiling in shock as she breathed shallow breaths.

"Stop being so dramatic," he growled, not in the mood to be made fun of. His face still felt slightly warm from...whatever that was, and he didn't need Pansy to rub it in.

"Aww, it's almost as cute as when Longbottom blushes," she teased, making Blaise become even more flustered. Nothing would compare to Neville's cherry-red blushes anyway, but he wouldn't tell her that.

"Anyway, something happened," Pansy said seriously, switching to business mode. "You have to tell me."

Blaise would have rather died on the spot than tell Pansy anything, if not for being so desperate for help.

"We almost...I sort of- kind of..." Blaise felt like he was choking on his own words. "I almost...almost ki- kissed him."

"MERLIN SAVE ME!" Pansy screeched, slapping both of her hands to her cheeks. "Is this happening? This is happening?" She looked over to Blaise, who nodded timidly. "OH MY, THIS IS HAPPENING."

He didn't really understand why Pansy was freaking out so much, as nothing had actually happened between him and Neville. It was an almost-kiss, which counted as nothing, if you asked him.

"How did he react?" Pandy asked eagerly, focusing on Blaise so intently, he could feel her lazer gaze on his face.

"He didn't do anything," he replied, trying not to show disappointment. "He just stood there."

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