Chapter One

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"We all know that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. But how? He was shot straight in the head, back and front, twice. But before that, he was stabbed with this large dagger, in the chest, arm, leg, face and every possible part of his body that was eligible for stabbing."

Mr Clint dropped his hands, which he was using to illustrate, to his sides as he saw the unchanging expressions on his students.

"Why're you all looking like that? Wasn't his death brutal... and you know... SCARY?"

"Brutal, i agree but scary? No freaking way", answered Allen.

"Seriously? Does anything scare you guys AT ALL?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. But... you could always try harder, Mr Clint", encouraged Megan.

"Fine. Abraham Lincoln was in Ford's Theatre, located in Washington D.C on April 14, 1865, watching 'Our American Cousin' when he was shot by John Wilkes Booth. Booth was a well known stage actor who was actually part of the conspiracy responsible for the assassination. Abraham was shot at 10:15 p.m with a Philiadelphia Deringer pistol. The efforts to save him proved abortive as he died 7:22 a.m on April 15. And..."

Just then, the bell rang.

"...we're done with today's class. You all have a nice day." He completed as the students got up and said their goodbyes, leaving.

Tania walked out of her last class, thinking about the day. First day of a new school year. Another year and she'd be out of Royal High and possibly Ankland. The weird school that's located in a weird place which consists of weird people. Well, according to Tania Hortz, the girl with the incredible memory and high I.Q.

"Hey Tan."

She turned in the direction of the voice and smiled when she saw who it was.

"Hey Meg."

"What were you thinking about? Oh wait, let me guess. The weird school that's in a weird place which consists of weird people."

"I feel offended that you think I'd think about the usual but how did you know?"

"Don't know. It's a skill, i guess."

"How was Mr Clint? Again?"

"How else? The one thing I'll probably never understand is how Mr Clint manages to make something, which according to him is scary, out of every history topic that could ever exist."

Tania put on a thinking face and folded her arms.

"Hmm. Don't know. It's a skill, i guess." She turned to Megan, all smiles.

"Very funny."

"Thank you."

"Where are the boys by the way?"

"Right here."

Megan stared at Allen.

"What took you guys so long?"

"Well, as you can see, Basil's enjoying his supposedly new skateboard which as at now should be in the recycling bin. But it seems to me, that he just can't get enough of it."

He dropped his arm around Megan's shoulder, but quickly removed it when he saw her glare.

"And who's fault is it that my I-PURCHASED-IT-ONLINE-THIS-MORNING SKATEBOARD should be in the RECYCLING BIN? The owner or the owner's best friend who is a playboy? Of course it's the playboy."

"No wonder Allen's smile is radiating more than usual."

"What can I say? All the girls love me. Well except for one." Allen looked at Megan.

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