FavreMyRainbow: Jealous of a Chicken???

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Hahaha... I have no idea where I got this Idea from XD Shout out to Fake Sabre for making ships come true <3 :D

Also the story starts out in Sabre's Point of view (or POV for short)


For once, things in the Rainbow Town were finally peaceful. There wasn't much let to do here though so lately we've focused on exploring and looking for new Steves. After the discovery of Plague Steve, we've realized that there are more Steves out there, waiting to be discovered and befriended. I've also decided to start writing in my Journal more often to pass the time. Lucas calls it a Diary, but it's not! There's a difference!

I put my quill down and closed my Journal. I placed it on the ground next to me and looked around. Lucas was over by the Steve Temple playing tag with Blue Steve, Light Steve, and Green Steve. I looked over at Rainbow Steve and sighed in annoyance. He was at the stables AGAIN, hanging out with Fake Sabre. Ever since we defeated Infinity Steve, Rainbow Steve has been hanging out with the animals more and Lucas is always playing with the other Steves. Honestly it makes me feel kind of lonely. Especially since Rainbow Steve replaced me with a chicken! A FLIPPING CHICKEN!!! I looked away from the pen and back at Lucas and the others and I saw Light Steve staring at me. He walked over to me. "Hey Sabre, wanna play with us?" He asked. "I uh... no thank you, sorry Light Steve" I replied. He looked at me with a kind of worried expression. "Well... okay" He said, then went back to playing with the others. I grabbed my Journal and stood up. Maybe a walk with help clear my mind. I started walking towards the Rainbow Tree. 


Light Steve's POV-

I walked back over to Lucas, Green Steve and Blue Steve. I wonder if the others know anything about what's been going on with Sabre lately. "Hey Lucas?" I asked. "Yeah?" He said. "Have you noticed anything... I don't know... wrong with Sabre lately?" I said. "Well, he has seemed kind of distant lately" He replied. So I'm not the only one that's noticed. "Maybe someone should go talk to him" I said. "Yeah, but who?" He said. I turned to Green Steve and saw that he was trying to get my attention. "What is it Green Steve?" I asked. He pointed at Rainbow Steve. "Great idea Green Steve! We can ask Rainbow Steve to talk to him!" Lucas said. I nodded my head in agreement. We all walked over to the stables and stopped in front of Fake Sabre's pen. "Hey Rainbow Steve?" Lucas said, trying to get his attention. "Huh?" He said, sounding a bit confused. "Oh hey guys, what's up?" He asked. "Could you go talk to Sabre? He seems kinda distant lately and we want to make sure he's okay" Lucas said. "Sure!" He replied cheerfully, as always. He got up and picked up Fake Sabre. He then walked out of the pen and flew away looking for Sabre. "Hopefully Rainbow Steve can find out what's wrong" I said. Green Steve grinned and nodded his head.


Back to Sabre's POV-

I had walked all the way to the rainbow powered wall, so I decided to go back a bit and sit down somewhere. I walked back towards the town and stopped in front of the Rainbow Tree Of Life, I then went and sat down under the shade of the tree. The silence is actually kind of serene and calming. I sighed, as I started to get lost in my thoughts. I just don't know what to do. Does Rainbow Steve not like me anymore? Thinking of that just makes my heart ache. "I guess Rainbow Steve is allowed to like whoever he wants, even if it is a flipping chicken..." I thought. "After all, we're just friends." That last part played on repeat in my head a few times. Just friends... Do I... Do I like Rainbow Steve as more than a friend? I sighed out loudly, covering my face with my hands. I guess I do like him, I mean... He's sweet, and kind, and he's always been there for us when he can be... "Sabre?" I heard someone call. I looked around and saw Rainbow Steve land a few feet away from me. "There you are!" He said smiling as always. "Hey..." I said awkwardly. "Lucas wanted me to ask you if you were okay" He said. Something suddenly jumped out of his arms and landed on my head, messing up my hair. "Fake Sabre" I muttered. I grabbed him gently and placed him on the ground and sighed in frustration. Rainbow Steve looked at me, confused by my reaction to Fake Sabre. I can't take it anymore! "I'm sick and tired of this chicken!" I said, anger laced in my voice. Rainbow Steve started to look a bit worried. "Sabre, please just tell me what's wrong" He pleaded, giving me a sad look. I can't stand seeing him sad like that. "I just..." I said, as I was starting to calm down. "Lucas is always with Light Steve and you're always with..." I paused and looked at the chicken and mumbled, "Fake Sabre." I looked down, not wanting to look at the chicken that took my friend away. Suddenly, I heard laughing. I looked up, shocked to see Rainbow Steve laughing. "S-Sabre" He said between laughs. "Are you jealous of a- ahhaha... A CHICKEN!" He said, still laughing. "I- .. N-no I'm not" I stuttered. "Sabre, you should know that no chicken could replace you" He said. I blushed out of embarrassment. "I... I guess..." He grabbed Fake Sabre, put him in my arms, kissed me on the cheek then flew away- wait... Oh my gosh. Rainbow Steve kissed me... I was blushing furiously now, my face probably looked like a tomato. I laughed quietly to myself and looked at Fake Sabre. "I can't believe I was jealous of you" I whispered to myself. 


That's it ahhahah.... I have no idea where I get these weird and crazy ideas...

But yeah, for those who caught it in the story, Green Steve wanted Rainbow Steve to go for a reason :D Green Steve knew that Rainbow Steve had a crush on Sabre and vice versa! XD Green Steve the match maker lol

~Saqyoung <3

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