Leave the past behind

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Part I

It was late at night and the black sky was riddled with stars. Parnasis looked up at the sky and pondered what experiments he would perform tomorrow. Olivia, on the other hand, was sharpening her sword that she had recently forged. Hero was busy polishing his equipment and was paying no attention to where his hands were polishing, so he slipped and hit his head on a nearby lab table. Archie was doing his usual job, walking around the lab and guarding people. For a golem, he was quite tall standing at a total of four metres high and one metre two metres wide.

But there was one person who was missing. Diggy had not been her usual self lately, she had been less social and was out and about more often. Diggy was the reason why all of them were still together. After an encounter in the end, she had learnt that she needed them no matter where she was in the solar system. An experiment was done to Diggy that changed her life forever, and she had only just learned to control it.

Diggy returned home one night, but she seemed disturbed. She had not come home like this since the ender incursion, which worried Parnasis and Olivia. Olivia tried to see what was disturbing her, but she was to shook up to answer. Later that night, Olivia and Diggy went to bed in their old room. It had been a while since they had been here, but it gave them good memories. Although they stayed awake for a while, Olivia did all she could to comforted Diggy. It work for a bit, and then Diggy spoke. "Its been three years since we were taken to the End" she said trembling "Did you ever wonder why they chose to experiment on us rather than anything else?"

"Why do you ask? We've been here for years and you haven't spoke about this since we arrived. Why did you decide to ask me now?" Olivia enquired – No reply. "You miss her, don't you? Diggy, you need to leave the past behind, even if it hurts to let go. The truth is, you won't find happiness if you don't move on" Olivia said, but it didn't help. Diggy burst into tears and curled up into a ball. Instinctively, Olivia wrapped her arms round her and embraced her to try to calm her down.

Diggy began to speak again. "Three years ago we left the End, we left her behind, we left my daughter behind!"

Part II

Three Years Ago – In The Ender City

It was cold, but the purple sky never clouded, and it never changed weather. All of the ground was made of stone and pillars towered over the ground from the sky. Two tall figures were guarding the outside of a building that seemed of little importance to anyone. "Why can't we just go to the Overworld and enjoy the warm weather that it has?" asked one of the figures waiting for a reply from the other. "You already know why... we have to keep the lab secured so that no test subjects escape. Now don't make me tell you this again. Next time, lets have a different conversation, okay?" the other answered. "Fine!"

Twenty feet below the surface was a lab. It was state of the art and had enough space to contain many whole prisons. It consisted of thirty laboratories, six armouries and five Cell Blocks and had a staff count of two hundred and forty four. Six per laboratory, four per armoury and eight per cell block. Cell Block A was for vandals, Cell Block B was for thieves, Cell Blocks C and D were for other crimes, and Cell Block E was for test subjects. The facility took good care of anyone in the Cell Blocks, but people in Cell Block E were experimented on inhumanely. But these scientists were not human, and they did not feel pity for human beings either. Among the twenty subjects in the area were, Olivia, Jacob and Diggy. They were not happy to be here, even with all the care they were getting of of the guards. And even after the many attempts of escaping the Cell Block, they were not punished. Instead, one of the guards insisted on taking the punishment for them. He treated them better than the other guards did, but he was not human. His name was Spectre and he was an Enderman.

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