Unbreakable bonds

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Part I

Present day – In The Lab

"No one knows what happened to him. And if anyone does, no one has told us. He could still be alive to this very day and have not even been in danger of anything" Diggy said to Hannah. "He was like a daddy to me. I really miss him" Hannah replied. "We'll find the truth to his disappearance soon... I promise" Olivia said to Hannah, clearly sympathising with the young girl. "I've got an idea, lets go and camp in the jungle for a few nights. It should be fun!" Diggy suggested, trying to change topics unnoticed. It failed. Olivia saw what she was trying to do, but she let it slide. "That sounds great! Hero, Kelsey, do you two want to come with us?" Olivia offered, keeping the idea flowing. "Sure!" both Kelsey and Hero said in unison. "Okay, then. We will leave tomorrow morning" Diggy concluded.

Diggy woke up the next morning with a strange feeling that she had not experienced before. She ignored it and attempted to wake Olivia. "Good morning" Diggy said as she kissed Olivia's cheek. As soon as her lips came in contact with Olivia's cheek, they were both given a small electric-shock. Olivia shot up and responded with "Good morning Diggy. You look different this morning" "What do you mean 'different'?" Diggy enquired. "Your fringe is red, it's gotten lighter than it was the other day... what is happening to you?" Olivia said, confusion clearly being expressed. "I'm not sure. Maybe its got something to do with Kelsey's arrival" Diggy suggested. "Maybe. Or maybe we are just weird?" Olivia said unsure. "I doubt that we are weird, but I also doubt that it could be Kelsey. She was not able to control her power back at her village, so I don't think she could have caused this" Diggy concluded.

Diggy and Olivia got dressed and left their bedroom. Diggy went to the kitchen to make breakfast, while Olivia went to wake up Hannah, Kelsey and Hero. They were all tired and they all wanted to go camping. Once they had all had breakfast, they got tents and equipment that they were going to need in the jungle. Once they had gathered all of this, they marked a location to set up the camp site. Only one person could get them and all their camping gear to the camp site quickly. That person was Tucker. Diggy had to persuade her father to take them to the site they were going to, and although it didn't take much, there was a cost. Diggy had to take an adult with here. She didn't get to choose who – her father made sure of that. Diggy had never even heard of the person he told her of. His name was Harvey, and from what Diggy could tell, he and her dad were close friends and that he had known her father since he was born. She didn't question his authority, she just accepted his choice, and then they were able to go.

The jungle was beautiful. Vines hung from the canopy trees above that seemed to tower over the sky itself. They had chosen a place next to a lake. It wasn't a huge lake, but it was big enough to fit with the scenery of the area. Harvey seemed to like the area that Diggy had chosen. At night, the six of them could have a camp fire outside of a temple that was next to the lake, and then when it got dark enough, they could go to their tents that would be right next to the temple. During the daytime, Olivia requested to explore the temple to see if it could be used. This request was directly to Harvey, and he allowed her and Diggy to explore it while he supervised the children.

The temple was made completely of stone, with vines and moss growing from the walls and hanging from the roof. On the inside, the temple seemed huge. It didn't matter about that though because there were only two directions, up or down. Diggy pulled a flash light from her pocket and shone it down the stairs. It was clear, but there were two ways at the bottom, left or right. Diggy went down to the bottom. The right was a dead end and the left was another dead end. Diggy turned left. Along the wall closest to the stairs were three levers. Diggy knew that they could be traps, but she pulled the middle one anyway. When she looked around, she noticed that the wall on the right had disappeared. "Olivia, come on, I've found a new route" Diggy called up to Olivia. She came down the stairs and followed Diggy down the new route.

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