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Friday at her Grans was spent relaxing and trying to heal the jet lag she was feeling. A knock on the door had the whole family questioning who it could be. Hannah Riola stood to answer said door and her jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of none other than Adrian and his family again.  Her dad explained that since he worked with Adrian's dad, he thought he could invite them to meet his parents. And since her Nana and Papa, her mom's parents were also there, it was like killing two birds with one stone. At least that's what her dad tried to explain. But to Hannah Riola, it just felt like Adrian was a bad pest or infection that just didn't want to go away.  He even tried to talk to her this time... Make small talk but she was not giving him the time of day. Friday night was uneventful except for the fact that since more people joined, there had to be some sort of sleeping arrangements. Whilst Hannah Riola had to sleep in their own rooms, they now were obligated to share. Hanna Riola with C.J, Adrian with Lem, his parents, her parents, Nana and Papa and then Grans. Once the set up was good they dispersed to their respective rooms and went to sleep.
Saturday came and since her Grans lived by the beach, Hannah Riola was up by six and went to the shore to watch the Sun rise. Her period flow was disrupted by the change in climate and therefore she had to persevere another two to four days of pain. She was peacefully staring into nothingness when she felt a body next to her.  She turned and it was none other than pesty Adrian.
" What do you want from me A? " She asked quite irritated all the while rolling her eyes .
" I'm sorry." That's all he could master to mutter. She rolled her eyes again and made a point to get up and walk away but he held her arm and therefore she stayed in place and just sent him glares.
" Look, I just want to talk... Explain things and hopefully you can forgive me. I was stupid, what I did was stupid. I was jealous... One of the guys on the team told me he saw you with Trent at his place because they are neighbors and that messed with my head and my heart a little. It's not an excuse I promise or rather it's lame but please believe me I never meant to break your heart. Karla was supposed to come for her biology book since she had offered me her notes and then next thing I know she's on top of me the very moment you opened the door, that's why you thought I didn't push her away faster but that's exactly what I was trying to do. And then you screamed and my mom came to find me in the said situation with Karla. I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding but I promise I didn't cheat on you with her... I just hope with my explanation you'll be able to find it in your heart to forgive me... Please Hannah I like You a lot and I fear the thought that I could have lost you for good that day. I'm in denial and I've been depressed about it since that day, in school, when you said it was officially over between us."  Adrian said finally letting go of her hand.  Hannah found herself jumping on him and giving him the biggest hug ever. " You have no idea how much I've missed you baby...  Hannah I promise you that I would never do anything to hurt you... Not on purpose." He said squeezing her and making the hug more tighter. She just smiled and nodded her head at him and they talked the rest of the day.  They went into town and hang out until later when they came back home to Nana and her mom making dinner. They promised to talk more after finals since Hannah had told A that she was going back home the next day in the morning while he and his family were going back in the afternoon. They had a private jet that's why they were in no hurry. Plus Hannah Riola had already booked her morning flight and therefore couldn't fly with them.
Sunday came and she flew back to New York and rested the whole day and night while preparing for her finals the very next day. She was prepared or at least she thought she was after all she was book smart and at peace finally. She was convinced that she was going to crash the finals and she did with flying colors.

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