Telling my Bestfriend

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Haifas POV

"It's so hard to live without him Haifs. My little brother grew up and is a popstar! We did everything together and now it's like I have no one, except you to do everything with! I can't believe he's touring the states and we're still stuck in Bradford." my Bestfriend Doniya sobbed into my shoulder

"Yaya calm down.. He's living his dream! Be happy that he's happy. And he said he'll fly you out to see him one day of his tour" 

Trying to calm someone down is so hard when you're hurting from the same reasoning. Zayn Malik. International popstar along with Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan. One Direction is their band name, and that's the same exact band that broke my Bestfriend to pieces. But what she doesn't know is I'm broken as well. I'm utterly and completely in love with her little brother. But I'm too scared to tell her, she would probably raise hell if she found out. So for now I'll comfort her and myself at the same time.

"Thanks for being there for me when I need you Haifs. You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for"

I hugged her and smiled weakly.  I wonder how great of a Bestfriend she'd think I am when she does find out about my feelings for her brother. 

"is something bothering you H?" she asked curiously

"I have a massive headache! I'm gonna go home and rest ok Yaya? You should do the same" 

She simply nodded and walked me out the door. I sprinted home, since I only lived a block away, entered my house and shot up to my room. As soon as my body hit my bed, I burst out into tears.

How is it possible to have such massive feelings for a guy that I know I should have them for! But i can't stop how I feel. And I know I will get him to understand my emotions. I'll get him back somehow, and I know Doniya will be supportive. Somehow, I'll have to tell her about my feelings for him. And hope she wont be angry with me. 

I continued sobbing in my room, alone and listening to sappy love songs for hours. After about 2 hours my mum finally came in my room to check on me. She realized I was crying and automatically walked over to me, turned my music off and began to comfort me. 

"Haifa, what's wrong" she cooed as she rubbed cirlces on my back

"Mum, I don't think I can do this anymore" I choked in between sobs

"Do what baby"

"Mum! I'm in love with my bestfriends brother! I don't know how to hide it from her anymore. It breaks my heart to see her crying over him. It just makes me want to burst into tears as well. I try to stay so strong around her, but I can't mum! I just can't! Everytime he's brought into the conversation I want to do nothing but cry! Mum I'm in love with Zayn Malik. I don't know what to do about it anymore" I managed to spit that out before bursting in to more tears. 

My mum sighed, "Sweetheart, Doniya will understand. Tell her, and I know Zayn probably feels the same about you."

"How do you know that mum" I looked up at her with tears and hope filling my brown eyes.

"Because Haifa. He always looked at you so adoringly and he always made sure he was gentle around you. Like if you were a twig about to break. And when he left, you could see the sadness in his eyes when it came to you. You could tell that he was so.. so.." She stopped to think of the word

"So what Mum"

"So depressed, could I say, that he was leaving you behind. And even his mother noticed it."

"Trisha? What are you saying" I looked at her quizically.

"Trisha called me the other day, and she asked if we could get you two to meet up soon, with us there as well, so we can define where you guys stand. She said he always asks about you when he calls or skypes them, and she knows that he feels some way towards you."


"Erm. We're sending you, along with Doniya, out to see him and his band mates perform on tour."

"MUM! For how long?!" I was excited to see him again, but at the same time I wasn't looking forward to it either. I'd either have to tell Doniya about it, and try to make things work with him. Or I wouldn't tell her, and I wouldn't tell him how I feel and watch him be happy from afar. 

"For the rest of their tour" she said softly, looking down at her feet and playing with her fingers.

"Mum.. Their tour just started.. They had their first show yesterday"

"I know" I saw a tear slip her eye, "But we want something to work out for you guys" 

"Mum.. When am I leaving" 

"Tomorrow night, you're gonna have to tell Doniya tonight.. Trisha sent her out here and she'll be here any moment. Goodluck" She kissed the top of my head, and left my room. I'm massively happy that my mom is so supportive about me and Zayn but I'm so afraid too.

I can't believe that in a matter of minutes I'd have to tell my bestfriend how I feel about her brother. 

After contemplating on how I was going to tell her, I heard a faint knock on my door.

"Come in"

The door crept open, and there stood Doniya, looking worried and a bit anxious.

"What's up Haifs" she said as she walked over to the corner of my bed and plopped down.

"Doniya, you have to make me a promise before I tell you"

"I promise H, now what is it" she seemed to be getting more and more nervous.

"Doniya. For years I've felt like this. And I have NO idea how to tell you this. But let me explain first" 

She nodded

"Well years ago, I developed feelings for this boy. And he's amazing, basically everything I want in a boy. He's sweet, funny, and everything else a girl wants in a guy. The only problem is I'm afraid to be with him. Reasoning being more than one. And I have to explain it to everyone how I feel, but it's so hard" I bit my lip, waiting for a response.

"Who is it!" She became ansy and wanted to know who I was in love with.

"It's Zayn, Doniya"

A/N Well this is just leading up to things x I'm gonna write chapters tonight!

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