Angry Boi

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Sorry if you see random Taco Bell throughout this chapter, my phone keeps autocorrecting when I speak,  bakugou into taco.

Izuku POV

I'm sorry

We both sat there for a moment or two in an awkward silence. Before his eyes widened and he bowed his head apologizing over and over, causing his ears to do the cute little flappy thing.

I started the Snicker and held in a chuckle but soon it was too much cuteness told in and I burst into a fit of laughter. When I finally managed to gain hold of my senses I looked at the Neko Prince whose nose was dusted and red and his ears flat against his head pointing out sideways.

This cute site starts up my laughter fits again causing me to fall on my back and kick the air with laughter. Unfortunately these few moments pure, happiness were shortly lived. For a loud BANG interrupted.
I lept to my knees and scurried behind Todoroki to hide from the unknown Beast.

A split-second passed before another loud bang and the door flew off the hinges and across the room becoming stuck in the wall, leaving a trail of splinters throughout the room.
Then the Towering monster came into the room bearing is sharp fangs and ears sticking straight up with Fiore.
His hair still wet somehow managed to stick up and it's like a fashion.

And like a bloodhound his head sharply turned at us. Giving Todoroki the evil stare with his glowing crimson eye. Then proceeded to March towards us making squishy sounds in the Lush carpet.
Before yelling in his angry tone.


His voice booming throughout the castle, then reaching behind Todoroki to obtain the green bunny.
This caused Izuku to squeak fear. Triggering the fighting instincts and Todoroki from his part lion Gene. Fox News from already over his shoulder preparing to grab Izuku. Todoroki grabbed the wolf furry his arm and swung him over his head and Izuku, landing him flat on his back. Izuku blinked in Confusion to what just had happened, and yelped out when he saw the enraged Bakugou on the floor next to him.
The angry wolf furry embarrassed from how easy his half/step-brother flipped him over, lept to his paws. And in the most calm voice possible he then said to Todoroki.

"Please come into the hallway, I must speak with you"
This comment left us all shook.

Todoroki stood up and went just outside what was left of the door.
Once both were out Bakugo shook all of the extra water that were made on him from being kicked into the. Unfortunately, the majority of water landed on Todoroki. Which pissed him off causing him to pull Bakugou around corner.

What the he'll is your problem?" Asked an unhappy Todoroki, in an unloving voice.

3rd POV

Bakugou looked him dead in the eyes, this was his most intimidating move. And was about to start cursing him out when Todoroki began to speak.

"Look I know we've already had this conversation... But you need to seriously take it down a notch, or well both lose the throne." "And until you can get that through your thick spiky head I'm going to keep Izuku away from you."

This angered him, then bakugou said.


"Uhh n-noo"
Todoroki didn't know how to respond to this.

He screamed almost offended like.


And with that he stormed off into the room.
Izuku POV
Although I wasn't listening in on their conversation, I heard every word bakugou said. I was watching the doors remains carefully when a certain ash blonde wolf furry came bolting through the door. And within a blink of an eye I was swept off my feet and in his arms. Then he became cradling me viciously and his big bulky arms. Making my ears flop
up-and-down. I let out a squeak of surprise from the sudden elevation. Causing him to stop abruptly. Now staring eye to eye in an awkward stare off, which Todoroki thankfully interrupted yelling at Bakugo to stop  under his breath.

Then he yelled out in an almost snooty voice.
" What- what are you going to do about it-HUH!!"

But before Todoroki could respond. Izuku started freaking out and flailing all over managing to hit in the Bakugo face, causing him to drop him.  Izuku Landed flat on his bum followed by a loud cracking sounds. Izuku now clearly in pain holding back tears stood up with his ears towering above the other two. A self-defense mechanism. Then proceeded to give them each a disappointed look and then turned around and start walking away from the Two Princes.
The two of them had just been shamed.

I am starting another book  it is a mermaid AU.
Tell me name suggests.

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