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Chapter 1

Screams woke me up.

Orange light blazed through my window. I heard glass being shattered and wails of children.

I was wide awake, my door burst open, my mother standing by the door with her pale face, sweat covering her features.

"Get up, we need to move, now!" There was urgency in her voice which stopped me from questioning on what was happening. I flung my sheets of my body, my feet padding against the cold floor to where my mom was clutching onto my baby brother, Jackson.

"Mom-" I was cut of by my father's voice shouting to get into the car. There was no time to question, my mom passed Jackson to me who clung for dear life and started to walk out the door. The voices got louder, I kept my head down till I heard my name.

"Annie, watch out!" I was blasted through the air onto the hood of my neighbour's car. My brother is still shaking in my arms, whimpering. My body wrapped around his, protecting him from harm.

Glass surrounded my body, I sat up and stared at my home.

The fire stretching out from the broken windows, licking itself up the walls. My parents no where to be seen. While sliding off the car I gaze around, people running and screaming, cars screeching onto the road, fire everywhere. It is then I look up into the smoke filled night sky.

Blue light came from the centre of the spaceship. We are being invaded!

I searched for my parents, praying that they will come out from the bushes safe, telling me it is alright.

"Mommy! Daddy!" No answer. I turned towards my mothers prized rose bushed to find two figures. Keeping my brother in a death grip I stumbled towards them. Their faces staring, blank, upwards with their eyes wide open. Pools of red covered their clothes with glimmers from the glass shards that have been imbedded them.

A sob escapes from my mouth. It's just a dream, a really bad dream, a nightmare.

"No, no, no," I whisper, reaching out my free arm to close their eyes. Jackson tries to turn his head but I kept his head in place. I won't let him see our parents dead bodies.

I ran to the car, the keys already in the ignition. Placing Jackson in the passenger I slip into the driver's seat. I have to keep my brother safe. Nothing else ran through my mind but to protect him.

"Sugar sticks," I don't know how to drive! I fiddle with the clutch, my foot on the break and turned on the ignition. The engine started.

"Yes!" I turned the car to get out of the drive way. The street lights are out and the cars headlights are smashed. The only light is from the flaming buildings. Jackson starts to whimper, I look at his tear stained cheeks. His big hazel eyes stare at me, my hearts feels heavy at his scared face.

"Where's mommy and daddy," my heart clenches as I stare at the road.

What do I tell him? I can't tell him the truth! How can I tell him that I'm all that he has left.

"Ermm, they have gone on a trip and it will be for long time, but don't worry, we will see them again," I sent him a reassuring smile but my brother is very smart for his four year old self, he knew where our parents were. That it will be a very long time till we see them again.

Four hours later

I stare at a sleeping Jackson. The sky is turning orange, it is dawn. My small hand grip the steering wheel, tears obscure my vision. The pain, all the emotions start to flood in. A hand strokes my cheek softly,

"Don't cry Annie, it makes me sad," my brother stares at me, a smile graces his chubby face.

"I'm hungry," a laugh escapes my mouth, he is still the same. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth.

"What do you want?" his smile widens which seems impossible.

"Pizza, pizza!" He chants. Ever since his discovery of the pizza on his fourth birthday all he speaks about is pizza.

"Well keep an eye out for a shop," I chuckle to him, at least it gives us a goal. Food.

Authors note

Hey, this is my first book so any grammar mistakes, I apologise.

I hope you liked it despite it being boring, but I need to lay down the scene so it was necessary. Any advice would be greatly appreciated but if you are going to make nasty comments, please make it constructive criticism.

Comment, vote and enjoy :)

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