Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The car is silent once more but we are all too exhausted to fill it. Angus' truck is still ahead with Rex's head visible between the car seats. We have two hours left till we reach this haven but it seem that these people have different ideas, I see them swerve into another station and I sigh. I don't think we can afford to raid this place as we just narrowly missed the alien attack. Even after that I have not clearly seen them, just heard them. I pull over and put the car to a stop to turn around to see no one at the back, the car doors just left open.

"They got out quick!" I sniff myself, maybe I must have smelt but after not showering for a few days it is understandable to whiff a bit, however I don't smell that bad. Don't I?

I jump out of the car to be once again knocked down by the dog, right now he isn't my favourite. I groan as he licks my face covering me with the essence of wet dog.

"Eww, get off me Rex!" I try to push him off but he is one heavy dog. No, you are just too weak. Jackson and Steve at that moment to make their appearance with Jackson having a large smile and Steve having a frown. I am in so much trouble.

His arms are folded showing his defined upper body, stop it Annie! His foot is tapping as I stand up, my gaze raises to see his face. He is very angry.

"Don't you ever do that again, do you hear me young lady! I will not have you jumping out of cars like that again just to save other while risking not just your own but everyone else's hide, do you understand me." His lectures rival my mother's which is very impressive. A hand grabs onto his shoulder and I see Nicholas staring at Steve in the eye.

"This girl did not just save my life but my family's which is more than what you did and the people that were supposed to pick us up." His eyes then swept to my own wide eyes, "and for this I am very grateful and owe her my life." Everyone was quiet at this admission, their faces reflecting shock, why? I would do the same if I was in his place. The silence is broken by Tatiana's groan as Kunal tries to clean her wound. The nameless boy struts up to Nicholas, a frown evident on his face as he harshly whispers to him while glancing at me, his voice starts to rise so everyone can hear.

"You are owing your life to this!" He gestures me with venom lacing his words. Ouch, what have I done. His forehead creases more with Nicholas reply.

"She did not save my life but yours and Tatiana's, stop with this prejudice, not every human is cruel."

" no grandfather, I refuse to accept that! She is filth just like the rest of them." The crickets at that moment decide to chirp making the awkward atmosphere even more awkward. My temper flashes but I reign it in while pulling Jackson close to me in case this obvious nutcase wants to attack me for this unknown crime which I have done. Steve coughs shutting the crickets up and muttering, "I am just gonna go to see the station for any supplies," a warm hand covers my shoulder and I see Angus look at me with gentle eyes saying, don't worry lass.

He dips his head to whisper in my ear, "tha' took alo' of guts lass, 'm proud of yer."

At least I have some support, a squeeze from my hand makes me look at at Jackson's wide eyed expression.

"Why is that mean boy saying that Annie, did we do something?" Obviously the arguing couple hears this and Nicholas smiles at the little boy I front of him and shakes his head, "No son, my grandson is just being silly. Don't worry my child, everything will be alright." With a alight smile at Jackson visible calming him down he turns to his grandson and glares, "I am disappointed in you." I internally scoff, this discriminating arse is only getting a slap on his wrist for what he just said, I will show him what filth is!


"They have found us, run to the car!" Everyone starts to run to the vehicles but I am stopped by Jackson, "where is Rex?" I carry him to the car placing him inside as the nameless pigheaded boy takes to the wheel. I kiss jackson's forehead promising to come back. I turn to the boy staring into his black eyes and with every ounce of authority that I can muster I harshly grab him by the collar. The alien's clicking feet is getting louder, there is little time.

"Now listen here, and listen good brain ball, you are to protect my baby brother with everything that you possess till I get that stupid dog, got it." I don't bother looking back to find out his answer as I run to the station with the loud barks from Rex. I have never really liked petrol stations but after all these incidences with then I am really starting to hate them.


Rex's loud barks echo and I can hear Steve's shouts and Jackson's screams for me as I wonder in the station for the damn dog. I grumble, "when I save that stupid dog I will kill it personally."

A fuzzy brown thing attacks me, once again causing me to topple over, my eyes sting with the light becoming brighter, I glance outside the window to see a blue light, damn they are close.

Hauling Rex into my arms I run out of the station and see Jackson's face pressed up against the glass.

A force takes me up into the air and for five seconds everything is quiet as I fly towards the stars.

Heat burns my back and I plummet to the ground finding a burning station and car lights fading away. The clicking noise gets louder and everything darker. The screams of a child rings and finally stops, I am in peace.


I bang my tiny fists against the car window screaming.

"Annie, come back, Annie!" I see her run out of the station with Rex in her arms, the monsters are close, click, click, click.

I can hear them, I hope Annie does too. My knuckles start to go red with the impact against the glass and Kat tries to calm me down with whispers of "she is coming, look," but I want Annie with me now. I want my sister.

The station blazes at it is hit with blue light, it burns, Annie is nowhere to be seen. Where is she? Why is the car moving? We have to wait for her. The red light of the fire illuminates the surrounding area, narrow limbs can be seen crawl towards us, ignoring the burning station.

I scream louder, where is she? Can't she hear me? She promised that she will come back.

The old man was wrong, nothing is alright. I am all alone, I have lost everyone, my sister. The fire's blaze shrinks in the horizon as we drive away, away from my only family.

Hey sorry for the wait, had a lot of things going on but here is the next chapter. Sorry it's short but the next will be longer. Enjoy my beauties and remember to vote.

P.s this is not edited so I apologise for any mistakes.

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