Chapter 3

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Steve and Billy carry everything which the station held to the truck. I am collecting the fuel in tanks to put in their truck. I walk to Angus with Jackson in tow eating a pack of gummy bears finally content.

"Angus, where are we going?"

"Ter the Underground, the haven,” my confusion must have been crystal clear for Angus to give me a kind smile and expand his answer.

“it’s a place wher’ survivors go, we hav’ shel’er an’ food. Lots of food.”

“But it has only been two days, how can all this be done already? How many survivors are there?” my enthusiasm that there are more of us made Angus giggle causing his eyes to glimmer.

“ohh lass, ther’ wer’ people in ter Underground befor’ we wer’ invaded, you’ll see t’en,” he holds my hand in comfort, staring in mine with a glow that shows experience and wisdom. He is what I have at this moment what is close to a father figure, I then remember my dad. Have I forgotten them already! Never.

Angus could see my inner turmoil and decides to distract me which I am grateful for.

“ya know, we ar’ scaveng’rs, findin’ supplies for ter hoard,” I smile at his name for the survivors but it doesn’t make sense, everything is so organised.

“Did you know that this was going to happen?”

“yer lassie, all of ter gover’ments know, well, now knew as t’ey ar’all gone. T’ey wer’ communica’ing wit’ erm. ter aliens. T’ey didn’t agree wit’ ter terms that thos’ mon’ters put down. It said t’at they wer’ hungry and if us humans cou’d give up five billion wit’ our resource to erm. I grabbed me family and as many ot’ers as soon as I knew. T’ere wer’ people who wernt t’at lucky. At least word got round and now we are in ter earth alive” My eyes widen, they weren’t here to take over but to destroy, demanding for those who we loved and wanting things that we owned. But wait...

“How do you know this?”

“I was t’ere, vicious creatures’ t’ey ar’.”

“Where are they now?”

“Recupera’ing, ter get w’at t’ey came for, blood.” Ice creeps up my spine, they are not done with us yet. Jackson cuts through my train of thought with the barks of Rex “come on Annie, let’s go!” the truck is now visibly full of supplies; I grab his hand walking with Angus in tow to Steve. He smiles, how can he smile when the world is literally ending! I try to smile back although it probably looks like a grimace.

“How long is the trip?” I question.

“A day.” Oh sugar sticks, an entire day driving in a stuffy truck with four males and my bad car sickness. We are in for an eventful trip.

12 hours later.

I look at the back window of the car and see my car being pulled, something about saving fuel and being efficient. Steve’s words, not mine. Despite that I am grateful, I don’t want to drive any time soon especially with my lack of experience and skill. The truck is quiet even with the engine roaring in the background and Jackson, Angus and Rex’s synchronised snores.

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