Chapter 1.(Meeting him)

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             This is my first story I ever tried to write on Wattpad,so please don't judge my grammar but I do hope you enjoy.

             Your phone began to ring and you pick it up instantly Bulma began to speak,"Sora it's Bulma im just inviting you to my party and there are new guest i want you to meet","oh um okay I'll be there just what time does the party start?"you ask Bulma."It starts at 3PM","okay I will see you then".
             You hung up the phone and started to get ready for the party.You only straightened your hair and put your everyday basically clothing on.By the time you were ready it was 2:50 you left to get to the party.You got to the party 3:00 on the dot,you went to search for Bulma and when you found her she was talking to 2 people you have never seen before.
             "Hey sora I want you to meet lord Beerus,and Whis,and whis and lord beerus this is sora"."its nice to meet you both",you said."well its nice to meet you to ma'am",whis said you looked at the purple cat guy and he looked back,"oh hi"was all he said.
              "Believe it or not the cat guy is the god of destruction",Bulma whispered in your ear."Okay time to EAT",Lord Beerus yelled you giggled at the way he yelled it he smirked.Whis and Beerus walked off to the consesion stands."They aren't as scary as you said they were Bulma",Bulma than looked at you as if you were crazy,"ARE YOU MAD BEERUS NEARLY DESTROYED EARTH!!!",Bulma yelled
               "Oh yeah you did say",you said to Bulma."Oh and dont think you can weasle out of the bet you lost remember,now you have to sing a song on the stage in front of everyone",Bulma remembered."what bet?"you said trying not to sing."remember when Vegeta and Goku sparred together and you bet on Goku to win,and I bet on Vegeta well Goku lost","uhhhh fine I'll sing!"you said angry.
                You ran to the stage so you could get this over with,"I lost a bet so I have to sing a song",you announced.the music started and you began to sing,throughout the song people stared and some couple began to dance,krillin and 18,goku and chi chi,bulma tried to convince vegeta but it didnt work. beerus stared at you in amazment.when you were done everyone began to clap amd ask for you to sing a song,but before you can respond you slipped and fell off the stage.
              You fell into Beerus's arms,now he was carrying you bridel style.Everyone got quiet,and they were all jumped out of his arms quickly,"uhh I-im sorry Lord Beerus",you stuttered,the area was so filled with silence you can hear a pin dropped."I'll let you live mortal only because your voice satisfied me",Beerus complimented your voice."Thank you so much!",you exclaimed happily.
           "Oh and you also have to show me a divine food,and don't upset my taste buds,if you do I will personally destroy you!"Beerus threatened you."Yes my Lordship",you announced in a proper tone,"oh my you are an polite mortal",Beerus complimented you again."thanks ooohh I know what food to feed you,follow me",you said as you grabbed Beerus's hand and led him to where the food was.Everyone began to party again,and you ordered Beerus's food.
                "Hhmm what's this delicacy called?",Beerus asked as he poked his food,"This is Shabu-Shabu,for this it uses many kinds of meats,and seafoods,mostly soft ones,and sides of vegetables,tofu,and sometimes noodles.All you have to do is grab a piece of meat and immerse it in the hot pot of consomme.Once its done and cooked dip ot in some sesame sauce then enjoy",you answered Lord Beerus's question happily.
             Beer us went through the proccess,and stuffed a huge piece of it into his mouth "wwoooohooooo",Beerus yelled in delight."Its so good definitely get to live!!"beerus said satisfied."Im glad you like it",you giggled and got up to go talk to more of your friends before causing more trouble,but a hand grabbed your wrist to stop you from moving,"Stay here and feast with me please it tastes so good!!!" Beerus exclaimed."oh umm okay",you agreed to his offer.
                You both talked about many good foods,and random stuff for the rest of the party,you both had so much fun even if you disnt want to admit it."Hey mortal...or i mean Sora we should meet up again soon to eat new food together",Beerus said,"okay Bulma is holding another party this next weekend,do I will show you more new food,and better yet we wont have a time limit because its a sleep over party","oh okay that sound fun",Beerus blushed at the thought of sleeping over in the same house as you.
          "As usual it was nice meeting up again,see you next weekend"whis said his watched as Whis,and Beerus left,'I actually like his company's,you thought to yourself,and felt sad.
        Bulma obviously was like your BFF,and she noticed you were sad,and she had a thought on why you might be sad.

            Whis and Beerus's P/O/V

      "My lord did you have a fun time?",whis asked Beerus,"Yeah the mortal known as Sora shown me a new delicacy know as Shabu-Shabu, it taste amazing!",Beerus yelled out happily,"about Sora you act different around her"Whis said without a single problem."What do you mean?",Beerus asked.
            "I have never seen you so happy chatting with someone,and when you were talking to her I noticed you  were a stuttering mess,and when Sora said something about the sleepover party you blushed",Whis answered Beerus's question."S-so the reason i was stuttering is because I had the hiccups,and the reason why my face was red was because I didnt feel good"Beerus said while crossing his arms and closing his eyes.
            "So you got sick for 6 seconds and instantly got better when leaving earth"Whis said,"WHIS SHUT THE HELL UP"Beerus yelled now angry."okay at least now I know my lord has his first crush",Whis mocked Beerus,and Beerus just ignored him.The silence was not broken for the rest of the trip.

       So how was my first chapter im sorry if there are alot of grammar mistakes,but atleast I tried dont judge me.anyways chapter two will be up soon,hoped you enjoyed😊

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