Chapter Five

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My eyes opened to reveal that I was in my room. As I looked at my phone, I saw that it was nearly noon.

Wait! I'm late for...

... Oh, that's right...

I'm not going to school today because four hot guys from Kiss Him Not Me showed up.

Now I remember.

Well, I might as well go see how they're doing. Let's just hope the house isn't burning down.

When I exited my room, I saw that there was loud voices shouting from downstairs. And there was an aroma in the air of...

... Burning!

Was my worries proven true!?

I hurried downstairs to see that Hayato was in the kitchen, and seemed to be freaking out over a burning towel.

"I tried to cook some soup, and the fire just started, so I tried to use a wet towel to put out the fire... But that towel caught on fire!" Hayato explained.

Springing into action, I grabbed the nearby fire extinguisher and started to put out the fire.

Phew. Crisis averted.

Once the fire was completely out, I sighed in relief.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)! I didn't mean for this to happen!" Hayato apologized.

"It's fine. This is a normal thing for me... Burning anything that comes into the kitchen. But, if you don't mind me asking... Why were you trying to cook soup?"

Hayato seemed shy to answer that question.

"I was trying to... To thank you for everything that you've done for us today. Letting us stay, cooking us breakfast, tiring yourself out to get our stuff to your house... Paying for our stuff... I just wanted to give a little something back to you." Hayato explained.

That's so sweet...

"I appreciate the effort and heart you had behind the action. But, maybe you should stay away from the kitchen from now on."

Hayato sadly nodded.


That's when I realized something... Where are the others?

"Hey Hayato, where are the other three?"

"Nozomu said he wanted to take a nap, Yuusuke went for a walk, and Asuma decided to read a book." Hayato answered.

... Then how did Asuma not notice the fire? For Yuusuke and Nozomu it's understandable, but for Asuma... It just doesn't make sense.

"DId Yuusuke say when he'd be back?" I questioned.

"No, he didn't." Hayato answered.

... This city is the type of city where it's easy to get lost in... So who knows when Yuusuke could get back here.

"I think I'm going to go after Yuusuke."

"By yourself?"

"Well, Nozomu is asleep, and Asuma's busy. Plus, I don't want to bother you." I explained.

"I don't mind!"

"If you say so. Let's go." I said, before putting my shoes on, and exiting the door.

Hayato was right behind me when I exited the house.

"Did Yuusuke happen to say where he'd be going?" I asked.

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