Chapter 1 - Stranger

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A/N: This is my second story! I have not yet finished my first one "From Hate to Love" but I had a great idea for a second story! Some random things about me: I have 2 sismances (it is like a bromance, but for girls)! My fave colors are turquoise, lime green, and lavendar! I am 13 (about to turn 14)! Anyways.... I hope u enjoy. Comment and Vote on what you guys think! -Kay <3 Xx

Warning to readers: This story is PG-13. It has some inappropriate scenes later in the story. You have been warned.

Chapter 1:

 School was just about to end. I was not looking forward to going home. I couldn't do anything about it though. It was a normal day routine: Wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, and go to bed.

The clock read 2:20. Only 10 more minutes, then I would have to walk "home". I had always liked school because I could get away from my parents, and brother. It is not like they cared about me anyway. My "home" didn't feel like a place to relax, in other words, it didn't feel "home-ish" to me at all.

The school bell rang and broke my thoughts. I sighed out loud and grabbed my worn out backpack. I walked over to my locker where a couple was making out. I felt like barfing, as they tounge-tied right in front of me and my locker.

"Excuse me" I tried to say.

They ignored me and continued on biting each other's lips. I groaned. If they didn't stop and let me reach my locker, I was going to shove them like I did everyday when they were here.

Well, they weren't going to move willingly, so I pushed them as hard as I could. Leslie and Rian broke apart and stared at me. Leslie, a huge spoiled slut, walked over to me and slapped me hard on the cheek. It didn't hurt because I was used to beatings from my mom, dad, and brother.

I walked right past her and opened my locker. I grabbed my calculus book and headed home.

I opened the front door and shouted "Mother, I am home." She came in to the room and slapped me, "Jack is sleeping. Can't you be considerate like him? Shut up girl."

"Sorry mother." I said before walking upstairs to my "room" (the attic). I changed and went downstairs into the kitchen where my parents were. They were talking in hushed voices. I knew that if I interrupted, they would beat me over and over. I walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and thought of the school day. It wasn't until someone cleared their throat that I got pulled away from my mind.

I jumped up and looked around. Sitting on the chair behind my sofa was a boy about the same age as me. He looked handsome and charming. I got up slowly and asked "Who the heck are you, and why are you in my parent's house.

He got up and walked to me. The four words that came out of his mouth put me into shock.

A/N: I hope you guys like chapter 1! I will try updating more soon :) Comment and Vote on what you think about this story so far. Make sure to read my story "From Hate to Love".

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