Chapter 6 - Fears

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A/N:Please please please comment and vote!!! It means a lot! Thx a ton! Enjoy directioners! -kay xxx


Niall's POV

I knew it! I had known my blood was AB something because of when I broke my leg a couple years ago. I knew that I had to help Ariel. I couldn't let her beautiful self die, when i knew i could've saved her. ... WAIT! did i just call her beautiful...???

I could see Liam have a worried look on his face from the corner of my eye. The boys were all looking at my back waiting for me to respond. I knew I didn't have time to choose.

I turned around and walked up to Liam.

"Hey Li-li. Um... I will um...." I paused to think again. "um... I will help Ariel."

"Oh my god! Niall you have no clue how much this means to me." he says hugging me.

Before I could respond, the doc started pushing me away to some room. I stopped him and said, "THe boys have to come too."

He took a long look at me before agreeing. I was already shaking. I followed the boys and the doctor into a plain white room with a couple of chairs, and a table with a shelf full of different types of needles behind.

I didn't want to focus on the shelf's so I just sat on the chair by the table waiting for the doctor to come out of some other employee room.

I looked at the boys who were just staring at me with sympathetic eyes. When the doctor came back, he was holding a bag which I assume the blood goes in. But that is not what distracted me, in his other hand was a huge needle - the hugest I have ever seen in my life - which must be big because I had gotten huge needle shots when I was 11.

He asks for my hand. I hesitate. The boys come and stand around me.

"C'mon Ni. We will be here the whole time. Don't worry." one of them said.

I slowly inched my hand up and place my arm on the table. The doc picked up the needle, and some tube thing, and connected it to the bag. As he brought the needle closer, I was about to jump up and run away. But Zayn kept my arm in one spot so I couldn't move it and Harry, Louis, and Liam were all holding me down. I thought they were on my side....

"Stop." I said. They didn't listen. The doctor kept moving the needle closer to my arm. Right before he was about to inject it, I screamed. However, he kept going. I felt a huge pinch in my arm. I still couldn't move it because the boys were still holding me and my arm down. Tears were running down my face. The boys tried to calm me. I didn't listen. I was really angry with them. I looked down at my arm, blood was still being removed. I couldn't take this. It brought back memories which I HAD managed to bury inside me. All those memories came back. Everything became blurry. I could here the boys apologizing, but I was not going to forgive them. They agreed to do whatever I said, instead they hold me down when I tell them to stop. I couldn't hear them anymore.

I blacked out.....

A/N: Whatcha think directioners???? Good??? Vote and comment!!! thx bunches!!! - Kay xxxx

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