Chapter 9

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Louis stared at the people crowding the door. Zayn looked beyond pissed, Harry looked sympathetic, and Niall...well Niall looked confused.

"I'm going to say this once and only once." Zayn said in a slow steady tone that had Louis' skin crawling. "Get. Out."

Without hesitation, Louis scrambled for the door and ran out of Zayn's house. He didn't have anywhere to go and it didn't look like Simon was going to call him in anytime soon.

"Louis wait!" Louis heard someone call from behind him but he didn't recognise the voice as Harry's so that meant it must've been.. "Wait" Niall caught up to the quick brunette and rested his hands on his knees.

"Y-Yes?" Louis was unsure of what to do considering Niall wasn't very welcoming toward him.

Niall froze, he was unsure of the exact reason as to why he had chased after the.. Thing. "I uh..." He stood straight and rubbed the back of his neck. "I need some answers." He blurted.

"Answers?" Louis paused, "answers to what?"

"Just please um.. Come with me to my flat" Niall's face heated up like a torch and Louis but his lip; trying to make a decision.

"Okay." Louis slumped his shoulders and nodded following Niall back into Zayn's house.

"Harry!" Niall called out, "I'm going home see you later."

"Niall?" Zayn peeked into the entrance, "why are you with him!?"

Louis' eyes widened, but not because Zayn was mad, but because he was called after "him" not "it"

"Lay off Zayn." Harry tried but looked away when Zayn shot him daggers.

"He's coming with me." Niall spoke firmly. "Understand? And I don't want to hear anymore about it. I have my reasons."

"But he's-"

"Goodbye Zayn." Niall walked out of the house again with Louis trailing behind him quietly.

"So.." Louis tried to make conversation. "Answers to.. What?"

"I'm taking you to my place for a reason." Niall grumbled. "I don't want to talk about it out here."

"Oh" Louis pouted a bit but said nothing more.


"Okay we're here" Niall walked into the apartment complex and Louis stared in awe. It wasn't a huge flat but Louis had never been able to picture Niall as a grown man, living in a flat and paying his own bills. It was strange to say the least.

"So.." Louis coughed.

"Just take a seat." Niall ordered before disappearing into a room.

The brunette did as he was told and sat on a tall stool near the kitchen island. He patted the marble counters softly and smiled a bit. He was in Niall's apartment! He could hardly believe it.

'Okay Louis, just play it cool.' Louis nodded to his thoughts.

Niall came back into the kitchen and sat across from Louis; now wearing sweat pants and a loose tank.

"Okay let's make this fast." Niall let out a puff of air. "What are you?"

Louis cleared his throat, "I thought you already knew?"

"I do but.." Niall looked into Louis' eyes searching for something he himself was unknown to.

Louis stared directly back; getting lost in the blondes eyes.

"I want to hear it from your mouth." Niall said softly. He didn't know what exactly he was feeling at the moment, his heart was beating fast but he felt relaxed.

"I was yours- I mean I was a figment of your imagination when you were.. younger."

Niall cleared his throat. "Okay skip that... What I really want to know is..." He looked down.

"What Niall?"

"Why did you leave?" Niall looked back up.

"Oh" Louis shifted his gaze. "I had no choice. You didn't want me around anymore and after that happens it's my duty to leave."

Niall studied Louis' face. His swept over hair and light shadow. He was one of the most attractive men he had ever seen and it was hard not to want to stare into his eyes for long periods of time.

"Louis I'm.. I'm sorry." Niall didn't know what came over him. He wasn't one to apologise usually, instead he let the other person apologise but, there was something about Louis that made him want to say sorry for everything.

Louis didn't realise what he was doing before he had his hand on Niall's pale one.

To his surprise, Niall didn't move away. Instead he looked deep into Louis' cerulean eyes and slowly moved his hand on top of Louis' pulling the brunette closer by his wrist.

Louis' breath hitched there was no way this was happening, but without hesitation he too leaned in slowly; letting his eyes flutter half shut.

"Niall! Open the door I need help!" Both boys pulled away before connecting lips; and stared at each other in shock.

Niall stood up and ran to the door; leaving Louis to stare ahead dazed over the previous situation.

Niall opened the door to reveal Zayn with Harry leaning on his shoulder. "Zayn what's wrong with him?" Niall studied Harry.

"He's drunk help me get him inside." Zayn breathed heavily. Niall nodded and took half of Harry's weight on one of his shoulders, together they dragged him into the flat and onto the couch.

"Peniissssss." Harry slurred as they set him on the lounge.

"Language Harry." Niall scolded.

Louis snickered quietly from the kitchen.

"He's still here!?" Zayn whisper yelled; sending Niall a steely look.

"Who's here!?" Harry flailed his arms around and smacked Niall in the nose.

"Ow Harry you bastard." Niall hissed in pain as he held his nose. "And yes Zayn he is. I told you I didn't want to hear anymore about it."

"Fine whatever I'm leaving." Zayn stomped out of the flat and slammed the door behind him.

"I'm sorry." Louis walked into the lounge; noticing Niall visibly stiffen. "I don't mean to cause trouble. I think I'll go now."

"No!" Niall shook his head. "I mean.. You have nowhere to go yeah? You can just stay here, If you want to.."

Louis smiled feeling a tinge of confidence make its way back into his character. "Are you asking me to stay here?"

Niall grumbled, "isn't that what I just said." His blush barely noticeable in the dark light.

"Sure I'll stay." Louis winked. He had always been this outgoing, he'd just kept it hidden around Niall.

"I'm going to bed." Niall avoided eye contact after the wink Louis sent him.

"Night Niall." Louis waved and Niall waved back before disappearing into his bedroom.


Sorry for my absence. I've had a bit of writers block but I'm better now.

So excuse this chapter it's absolutely terrible I've just been lazy and unable to come up with shit. (:

But we finally had a Nouis moment! Yay! It wasn't that bad right? Yeah..

Well anyway!


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