Chapter 7

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Sebastian stared at his reflection in the mirror and loosened his tie. He'd been summoned by Sandra and Carlos from his bedroom upstairs to go to dinner. A civilized, proper dinner. He hadn't had one of those in far too long. Not to mention, he would get to see Tabitha in evening wear... if people still changed for dinner these days that was.

Sebastian grimaced. He'd gone for neat and formal. Unsure of what else to wear, he'd pulled out one of his newer outfits. Crisp white shirt under a sharp, black blazer with black pressed pants and shiny shoes.

He slicked his blond hair back with more gel and stared at himself in the mirror. It would have to do. Turning on his heels, he headed down the long hallway of his house and down the stairs to where Sandra and Carlos waited by the door. Sandra wore a nice long sleeved red dress that flared out at the waist and went down to just above her knees, paired with black heels. Carlos wore casual/formal clothes. White button up shirt, black pants and black shoes. Not as formal as Sebastian.

Sandra smiled as he came down. "You clean up nice Sebastian."

He smiled back and took her hand, kissing it. "You're not so bad yourself," he murmured, winking. Her long brown hair had been twisted up in a purposefully unruly bun that showed off her face. He was glad he wasn't the only one getting all dressed up for the event. "I wasn't sure what to wear... I haven't been out on a formal get together for a very long time so..."

Carlos waved his concern away. "You look great Seb." He checked his watch, a hand sliding down Sandra's waist. "We should head out. Don't want to be late."

Sebastian eased around them with one fluid motion and opened the door to the glass-roofed antechamber. Sandra and Carlos were living in his old house. A house he'd bought many years ago in the early 1900's. Who knew it would come in handy after all these years of gathering dust?

Before they could thank him, he vamped to the next door and opened it for the couple as well, waving a hand out with a charming smile, his fangs showing. Carlos dipped his head in thanks and Sandra smiled. "Thank you, Sebastian."

They stepped out into the chilly air and Sebastian's keen eyes caught the telltale signs of chilliness from his two friends posing as his parents, signs that he used to have when he was human. Signs he used to yearn for, used to miss. Now he couldn't remember feeling cold... or warm. Not like a human. Not with his senses and nerves so abuzz and aware of everything around him, of his environment.

Sandra folded her arms across her chest and Carlos walked them briskly to the car parked in the driveway. Sebastian vamped to the car, becoming a blur of speed. He opened the passenger door for Sandra who gave him a hasty smile.

Carlos scowled teasingly as he went around to the other side while Sebastian slipped in the back. "You know I would appreciate it if you would let me be a gentleman to my wife every once in a while, instead of you always beating me to it."

Sebastian just grinned. "I'll keep that in mind next time."

Carlos grinned at him in the mirror as he turned the car on and left the house, driving down the long driveway. "See that you do."

They smiled at one another, three good friends in a car headed to dinner. Only... not just any dinner. But a dinner at Tabitha's house. Tabitha, who never seized to intrigue and amaze him.

She reminded him so much of her great-great-grandmother, Marcie. Marcie used to have the same fire and life in her eyes that Tabitha did. The same sort of resilience and strength that came in handy for a vampire hunter. Sebastian looked forward to kindling that flame just as he had done with Marcie. Teach Tabitha how to hone her hunter skills and become the best she could be. The best hunter this generation had ever seen. Just like Marcie.

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