So yeah this should've been a new chapter but......

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Honestly, sorry for not updating but I've been way to busy with all my classes, finals and work. I hope y'all can understand and let me slack off?? I'll probably start updating mid-June or in July?? It depends if I can handle work and my AP classes. Anyway, this will  be an opportunity for you guys to possible follow me?? I mean seriously this story has like 50 views yet, I only have like 4 followers. I don't mind if you don't want to follow me, but it gives me reassurance that when I post something, you guys will like it enough to continue reading my works and engaging with me.  I want to do things like Q&A's or prompting, when you guys give me ideas on what to write. And I want people to be with me when I post something like a prompt that's really good and could possibly be stolen or something. I've seen it happen with smaller writers either having copied someone's story or their story being stolen. I don't want that to happen, I enjoy writing and I don't want to be worry about copyright, stealing or plagiarism. So please follow me, if you aren't currently following me. Thanks!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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