COMPLETE (35/35)
18/18 female selected 12/17 male selected
The Second Generation Selection Roleplay.
"My heart beats for you..."
1 Prince, I Princess, 2 Life-Altering Marriages💠
Fill in a form and join us on this plotastic roleplay...
"Once upon a time, in a beautiful palace, goats sang, ducks barked ya da ya da. Oops, wrong story!" My brown eyes grew wide as I realized, I was reading the wrong book.
Within a few seconds of endless searching, I found the elbony book with gold cursive script, titled 'The Selection'.
I turned to the first page as my precious beauties laughed at my accidental book choice. With a light-hearted smile, I began reading,
"Once upon a time, a crown prince along with his brother had to participate in the Illéan tradition, called, The Selection."
A cute little boy stared at me in anticipation, with curious orbs of wonder as to what the Selection really meant. Some of the other children seemed engaged, hopefully I could capture their attention until the end of the story.
"They had a younger sister named, Princess Angelina, whom unfortunately could not select. This was tempting to her, as she could now prank about."
"Miss J, can we skip to the good stuff, pleasseee?" A little girl next to me, asked with a toothy grin, the rest of the class concurred with nods.
"Alrighty then. But during the selection, a rebel attack took place, which placed the princess in grave danger. It was dark, she was surrounded in shattered glass, luckily a selected came to her aid. But, she wasn't the only one in danger.... Prince Cartier faced a most skilled rebel that was fearless and tenacious, their sword fight was intense-"
"Micky!" The children said in unison, quite irritated that he interrupted.
He just shrugged in response, "Sheesh, but that's how it sounds in the movies."
I shook my head laughingly and averted my gaze back to the book, "Thereafter the princess was stabbed by an unwanted vis- I should really not be reading this to you."
"But- we wanna know what happens!" The little girl insisted.
"Dear, I don't want to be the reason for your nightmares," I said honestly, I mean, I could get sued by their parents, end up in prison. Orange does not look good on me, what if I died just of being trapped in a cell with bars, being isolated could make me go logically insane.
I took a deep breath, to clear my overthinking mind. "Let's just skip to the ending, how about that. It says, princess Angelina fell in love with a guard, the other prince, Zachary got married. The crown prince Cartier married the selected named Brielle. Now they are known as the king and queen. It also says, they had children, a girl and a boy, Ella & Slade."
"Did they live happily ever after?"
"Do they get to date the whole country until they find their true love?"
"Miss J, you should be answering our questions, not eating pizza!"
"I found the sequel!" A proud-looking Micky placed the book on my lap, they all stared at me expectantly. Well let's find out what happened in, 'The Second Generation Selection'.
After I finish my pizza of course😉
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