Is this Love? Chapter 1

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~Todoroki Pov~

School had just dismissed and I was walking back to my locker, it had been another long day of staring at Midoriya. Ever since I had seen that boy, with his cute freckles and curly green hair, I knew I had different feelings for him. I had never felt this way about anyone, so I didn't know exactly what it was. It was only when I had finally reached my locker that I noticed I had left my book in class, so I had to go back and get it. I started walking back to class, still thinking about Deku, only to find a interesting sight as I walked into the classroom. I thought it would have been empty, but someone was still there, it was Deku. His head was in his arms on the desk and he seemed to be sleeping. I then did something that went against my own better judgment, I sat int the seat in front of Midoriya, turned around and started to watch him. He looked so peaceful, and cute. Without thinking I reached out and put my hand on his head and started to play with his hair, I stopped immediately thinking I was going to wake him up. I decided that it would probably be best if I woke hime up, so I tapped him on the shoulder and said his name.

He awoke drowsily and it took him a second to realize what was happening. ''T-todoroki...what are you doing here? Was I asleep?" He looked so cute when he was confused. "I just came back to get my book but I found you sleeping..." "O-oh, well, um, thanks for waking me...I'll be off now." he quickly grabbed his stuff and hurried out of the classroom. Todoroki was then sure of one thing. He liked Deku, no...he loved him. I also realized one other thing, I had to tell him.

~Deku Pov~

My face felt hot with embarressment as I rushed out of the classroom. My crush, Todoroki, had found me sleeping. I don't remember how long I've liked Todoroki, but one thing was for sure, whenever he was around, I had this strange feeling of happiness and nervousness all at the same time. My heart was racing from having been so close to him, I couldn't take it anymore. I Packed up all of my things and headed out of the school. I was thinking about my feelings for Todoroki, I couldn't suppress them much longer, I had to tell him how I felt. I knew that if I tried to hide it any longer, I would burst, so decided that the next time I saw him, I was going to have to confess. Just thinking about it gave me a horrible feeling and millions of questions raced through my mind. What if I make him hate me? What if he really does feel the same way. There were so many things that could go wrong, but, there was also a chance it would go right.

~Third Person Pov~

Todoroki walked out of the building, hoping he would be able to catch up to Deku. He searched the crowd of students leaving and then he spotted it, he could see that green hair from anywhere. Todoroki started to run towards Deku, whenever someone got in his way he would push past them, this was important. Just when Deku was about to turn down the street, Todoroki had caught him. "Deku!" he yelled. Deku turned around, he was confused at who was calling his name and he was hoping it went kaachan coming to bully him. To his surprise, it was Todoroki. "Deku theres something I have to tell you." he said with a serious face. "T-todoroki. Actually theres-uh- something I-I wanted to t-tell you too." Todoroki was wondering what Midoriya wanted to say, but it didn't matter, he needed to tell Deku what was on his mind. "Deku, I know that you probably don't feel the same way as I do about this...but Its something I have to tell you. Deku I...I like you, even more than that. Midoriya I think I love you."

~Todoroki Pov~ 

I had done it. I had finally done it, I told Deku I liked him. I had gotten extremely worried after I had told him, because Dekus face suddenly got very red and there was an expression on his face that I couldn't read. To my surprise, this is what he said next. "T-todoroki...I...I l-like you too...and I've been really meaning to tell you that." My face must have gone completely blank because then Midoriya had tried getting my attention even though I would not respond to him. " really like me? Really?" "I do, Todoroki." "Please don't call me that, call me Shoto." "Ok, Shoto" Midoriya said shyly. I then said something that took a lot of guts to say, "Midoriya... since we both feel this way, will you be my boyfriend?" He answered just the way I wanted him to. "Of coarse Shoto, I'd love to." I then couldn't control myself, I pinned Midoriya to the brick wall next to us and kissed him. All my worry had gone away and it was now just me and him. It was a passionate kiss and he soon started kissing back, while also wrapping his arms around my neck. When it got to the point where I could no longer breathe, I pulled away. "I have to go home now, my moms waiting for me...I'll see you tomorrow, Shoto." I said my goodbyes and started to walk home. My whole head was scrambled and I didn't know what to think, until one thing popped into my head. I was gay, and I was going to have to tell my dad.

~Midoriya Pov~

I think that the best moment of my life just happened. I was Shotos boyfriend. I was his boyfriend. The thought alone thrilled me and I was happy the whole way home. Tomorrow was going to be great.

Hey guys! Sorry that was sort of a long one, but I hope you like it and I assure you the lemony goodness will come soon enough, I just have to develop their relationship first! If you find any errors please tell my in any way you can and I will fix it. Hope you enjoyed I will hopefully be updating really soon.  <3

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