Acceptance | Chapter 5

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Deku POV

I had woken up early and at first I had forgotten where I was. That is, until I felt Todoroki's arm around me, holding me close to his chest. I felt warm, and safe, but then I remembered it was also a school day. I looked at the clock and realized I had a lot if time, so I carefully freed myself from Shouto's grasp. I looked at him and smiled, I was so happy, and I was so grateful that I could call him mine. I decided that I would make Todoroki breakfast, it was the least I could do for him. Once I was downstairs it took me a minute to find the kitchen since Shouto's house was so big. When I found the kitchen I started to find all the ingredients needed to make pancakes. I really hoped Shouto would like them, so I made sure to make them the best I could.

Todoroki POV

I woke up and momentarily panicked, I knew Deku was here but he was no longer in bed. But then I smelt a glorious smell, it was pancakes. I decided to get up and follow my nose, I went downstairs and traced the wonderful smell to the kitchen. When I arrived I found Midoriya setting two plates of fluffy pancakes on the table. When he heard me he turned around, "Good morning, Shouto!" His greeting made me feel bubbly and I asked, "Whats all this for?" "Well I decided that I would make us breakfast since I woke up early, thats okay right?" he asked with a hint of concern. "Of coarse its ok! I can't wait to try your pancakes!" Midoriya gave me a warm smile and told me to dig in while he cleaned up. I listened to his order and sat down. I started to cut off a piece of the pancakes and took a bite. They tasted amazing. Soon Deku sat down and started to eat his, and I couldn't stop myself from giving him more compliments on the pancakes than needed. He was blushing but I could tell he felt accomplished. Before we knew it, it was time to get ready for school.

(Time Skip)

3rd person POV

Todoroki and Deku arrived on school grounds, but there was something they didn't realize. They had held hands the whole walk to school, and they were still doing it. It was only when they were about to enter the school that they realized what they were doing, they then also realized that everyone who could see them was staring at them. They both released their grips on the other and turned away from each other. The only bad thing was, Bakugo had caught them.

Bakugo turned to Deku and yelled, "FUCKING FAGGOT." Deku looked extremely hurt by Kacchan's remark, and this bothered Todoroki. Todoroki walked over to Bakugo and grabbed him by the collar. He whispered something into Kacchan's ear that seemed to shut him up. It confused Deku as to what Shouto might have said but he decided not to think about it that much. Todoroki returned to Deku's side and they continued on their walk to class.

The rest of the day seemed to go by pretty normally, except for the occasional times where people would point and whisper about Shouto and Deku. However, neither of the two minded this, they knew that their relationship was a bit abnormal and not everyone actually knew what was going on, so they expected this to happen. The two spent every moment they could together until the day was over, the day seemed to go by quick unlike the day before. Soon they were already on their way home, holding hands and laughing the whole way.

That night was as normal as it could have been, they had a good time together and they were upset that tomorrow night was the last night Deku could be there. They both knew that if Deku spent the night Saturday that Todoroki's dad could return home early in the morning, and there was the chance that they would be caught. Since they only had one more night together after this they decided that they would make the most out of it. They stayed up late and had fun playing games and watching movies. They ended up falling asleep downstairs, Todoroki was all over Midoriya, he had his arms around him and his legs, he didn't ever want to let Deku go. He loved him.

AN: Hey, whats up! Sorry that this chapter was mostly just filler but I had to build this up for the next thing to happen in the storyline. The next chapter will probably hit the next big event and it will probably have some smut as well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

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