We Togetha Foeva

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I woke up with a jolt every morning due to the nightmares I am now plagued with because of my mother's death, but right now, that's the least of my worries. I need to call John and Landon to help fix up the house for my visitors this evening and make dinner by six o'clock p.m. I get up from my soft bed, get dressed, and do my daily business. I called John and London, who are now on their way here with the supplies. I quickly ran downstairs without tripping up and falling on my face, which happened multiple times.

I started to cook the food for this evening which is much food just in case they like to eat a lot. John and London came in the front door, but I knew they had a spare key. They started to set up in the dining room, which is the only room I never go in. I took a well-needed break from cooking and cleaning to see how the setup looked. The structure was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I hugged John and London tightly for all their help, and they hugged me back. We pulled back, and I looked at the clock behind them, and it read five-thirty, which made me panic. I started running everywhere, getting the food set up and myself dressed at the same time. It was finally time for my long-lost brothers to reunite. I looked into a mirror one last, making sure I looked great, which I did when the doorbell rang. My heart was beating as I heard distant chatter on my porch. I pulled myself together and walked to the door. I then took one last deep breath in and opened it up. There they were, two guys who looked just like me but were more muscular and defined. I welcomed them in with a smile that reassured them they were at the right place.

"Nice place you have here," one said, and I responded with a silent thank you. I gave them a tour of the rooms, all except the attic. As we walked, we began to click, but nothing happened; still, I then remembered how I had figured everything out. It all started with the book, so I ran off for a bit and grabbed the book.' please let this work,' i thought to myself. I walked downstairs, and they were already seated.

" And this right here is the oldest thing here. It dates back to 15oo's," I said, giving them the book. They then opened it. I saw a weird reaction on their faces.

"What the hell was that," Paris asked, looking at me. "And what's up with this yellowish glow around you?" so he has the spiritual healing that means Tyler has necromancy. I just walked off to get a picture of all three of us; before they split us up, I came back into the room and gave them the shot.

"What is this" Tyler asked, confused.

"That's all three of us in the hospital after being born, "I answered, and they looked at me with a shook face.

"Wait, wouldn't that mean we are all brothers," Paris asked, and I nodded, which came to the most challenging part telling them about the supernatural.

"I'm still confused, like why were we separated and why now to tell us we are brothers," Tyler asked, scratching his head.

"i will answer all your questions but first, stand up and let's join hands there, someone who wants to meet you, "I said, and they looked at each other. They stood up and grabbed my hands and each other. When we joined hands, a bright white light appeared and took form as our mother.

"Hello, my children, I know you have any questions, but I have a limited time in this realm," she said. She stepped back and smiled; Paris and Tyler opened their eyes and looked at me. She put her hands on their heads. She then closed her eyes and gave them all the information they needed.

"So, we are supernatural, triplets, and voodooist basically," Paris said, looking at mom.

"yes," she said, and Paris nodded.

"Welp, I'm out of here. I didn't ask to be dragged into this mess, so I'm free to leave," He said, grabbing his stuff and leaving.

"Yeah, me too, this is too much have fun," Tyler said, walking out too. I was the only one left in the room except for my mothers' spirit.

"They'll come around eventually," she said, grabbing my shoulder and disappearing.

"I hope so," I said, grabbing the book and opening it. I had my shadows clean up, put the food up, and put everything back to normal. 'i hope they come around.'

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