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"Look Aalee I'm sorry for slapping you, we both know you deserved that for touching. Now Please let go of my hijab." She pleaded. "You see that incomplete-d building? There, let's go. I'll forgive you when I get what I've been wanting from you for the past few months."

"No please don't do this to me. Someone help me please!" She cried out. He clutch on her wrist and dragged her when someone interrupted. "Aalee! What are you trying to do?" The man yelled sending daggers his way.

"Babu ruwanka (that's none of your business)" Aalee retorted back. "No please help me. He's trying to rape me" she wailed. "Aalee let go of her!" He said through gritting teeth. "And what if I don't?"

The man god furious and landed his fist on Aalee's face. "Go home." He ordered and she ran as fast as she could. She met her father together with their neighbor malam Audu. "Lafiyan ki kuwa? Is someone chasing you?" Baba asked while checking to see if someone was following her. "No baba." She was sweating all over her body. Her body wouldn't stop shaking.

        "Go inside." He ordered and she did. She went straight to Aunty. "Aunty." She sobbed and collapsed on Aunty's body. "Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihir rajiun, Ameenah? What's wrong? What happened?" Aunty asked worried. "It's Aalee. I'm in trouble." She narrated the whole story to Aunty.

        "Meh ya kaiki? Look at what you've got yourself into! Ya subahanallah! Okay calm down, Bari babanki yazo. Let him get back. We'll know what to do." Aunty comforted. Ameenah sat upright and wiped her tears.

        "Salamu alaykum." Baba sauntered into the small living room making Ameenah's heart to skip a beat. He sat down on the three sitter close to Aunty. She told him everything that Ameenah told her. Baba gave Ameenah a pointed look that made her body to start shaking. "I'll talk to his father about it." He said. She Felt a bit relieved. "And you!" He points at her. "I'll deal with you later!" He said and left the living room.


       "Well I'm not saying I don't wanna get married. I'm just waiting for the right woman." Bashir explained dropping his spoon on his plate. "I can hook you up with one of my friends if you want." Hauwa, Madyan's wife said. "Thank you but no thank you." He stood up from the dinning table. "I have to get going. Thank you for the lovely meal."

        Madyan accompanied his best friend to his car. Bashir got into his car and drove away. He went straight home. He met an unfamiliar car parked at the parking lot.

He strolled to his father's living room to greet him. After that, he did the same with Mama. "Bashir remember my friend, Hajiya Salamatu?" Mama asked beaming. He could feel someone staring at him but he decided not to look at who it is.

"Ermm yes." He exchanged pleasantries with Hajiya Salamatu. "Mama I'm going to my side now." He announced but she stopped him. "You haven't met her daughter, Yasmeen." He looked to his side to see a beautiful young lady smiling at him.

He smiled a little. She greeted him and he answered. "Masha Allah you guys look cute together." Mama cooed. "You should definitely fix a date to get to know each other." Hajiya Salamatu added.

"Insha Allah." He smiled. "Why don't you exchange numbers?" Mama suggested. They exchanged numbers just like mama suggested before he left for his room.

He knew the moment mama introduced her friend to him, something was definitely going to happen and it did. If mama could just understand. He doesn't care about beauty or anything. He wants someone decent, loving and caring, who will respect him and his parents. And someone who will love him for the sake of Allah not his money.

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