me too..

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Tzuyu PoV


'ffs it's 2 freakin am in the morning.. Who tf called at this hour??!!'

I picked up without seeing who's the caller..


"c-chewy ah.. Why did *hiks* You leave *hiks* me for that *hiks* penguin?"

"wait? Who is this?... Sana Unnie? Where are you??are you drunk?!"

"why chewy??*Hiks* you're mean *hiks*"

"tch.. You've never changed.. Just wait for me there.. Don't go anywhere..."

"I'll always wait for you... E-even if it *hiks* took forever"


As the call ends I immediately go to the bar.. I've always known where the bar that she usually goes if she's depressed

Sana and I..we were a happy couple for 2 years, not until a few months ago. I was really drunk I don't even remember a single thing, she caught me making out with Mina unnie. I guess we're both drunk, like hell.. Why would Mina unnie cheat on Chaeng.. We've tried to explain it to her..

But the only thing I recieved was a slap and a broke up statement with tears running down her much as I regreted to drink that night I can't blame Mina unnie either.. Chaeng doesn't know about this thing.. So I decided to keep quiet since I don't want to ruin their relationship..

That night, I cried I even drink more. I regret everything, and earlier. I heard her voice after a long time, oh how I miss that voice..

I've arrived at the club, as I get it music and the smells of alcohol can be heard and smelled everywhere..and then, I found a drunk squirrel in the corner while chugging a lot of alcohol..i gasped and immediately ran to her..

"Sana Unnie...omg, let's get you out of here.."

I picked her up bridal style, she circled her arms around my neck and her head in the crook of my neck..smelling my scent.


"hmm?? "

"I miss left me.. It hurts"

"Sana ya..I'm sorry I was drunk that night.. You're the one who left me.. I miss you too.. A lot..." I said while pecking her forehead

As we arrived at the parking lot..i open the passenger car door and put her in.. I got in, I started the engine.. And drive slowly..

"You know, I really miss you..where have you been these past few didn't even contact me, I'm desperate you know,I would've gone crazy if you left me?" I said and start tearing up.. I spoke to myself

"*hiks* stop *hiks* don't leave me *hiks* chewy.. Nooo"

"hey.. It's okay.. I'm here.. " I said as I caressed her head..

I brought her to my house.. I carried her to the bed in the guest room.. Lay her down..and changed her clothes...when I'm about to leave her... She held my wrist

"please... Stay.."

I layed down beside her..take her to my embrace..i looked at her..

"You won't remember this...won't You?"


I kissed her hungrily...but what shocking me is happened.. She returns the kiss back with the same hunger...i closes my eyes insert my tounge in.. Start moaning in each others mouth.. I snapped before it goes to far..i pulled out with saliva connected and panting..

"haah~ I love you"

"I love you more.."

We both off to sleep after that...

7:50 am

Sana PoV

I'm awake..i looked around..wait!where am I??this isn't my house!!

I got off from the bed.. Get out of the the room, smelling something from the kitchen.. 'THIS IS TZUYU'S HOUSE!!! WTF??!HOW!?SHIT??! DID I DRINK AGAIN??!THIS IS MESSED UP!!' I cursed to myself underneath my breath..

Tzuyu realized my presence when I see her cook..

"Ohh..good morning Sana Unnie, you must have a really bad hangover..come here sit down.. I made you a soup."

I can't say anything..i only do what she said

"Incase if you're're drunk last night.. So, I brought you here... Sorry, I'm tired last night...i can't drive you home"

"i-its o-okay" I finally said stuttered

Couple of minutes later... I finished the soup..i wash the bowl and I found her sitting while watching the TV..

"Tzu.. Can we talk?" I scracthed my not so itchy nape

"sure.. Sit down.." she said and turned off the TV

"I'm sorry..." I said

"hey..its o--" I cutted her off

"...for everything, I'm sorry for doubting you, im sorry for not letting you explain that night, I'm sorry for being an asshole,  I'm sorry for always bothering you, i'm sorry that I can't be the there for you.. But, I still love you! I miss you, I miss your existence in my life, I miss how you loved me.. I need you! It's okay.. You don't have to say anything I just wanna say these things before I clearly disappeared in your life..maybe you've erased me but I just want to let you know that I miss you, I love you, and I-I can't live without you.." I said while tearing up...i got up and about to run away.. She held my wrist..i didn't look up until I heard her sobbing.. She immediately hug me..

" me too Sana, me too.. Now please, don't ever leave me.. *hiks*I also miss you, I also love you, I also can't live *hiks*without're my sunshine Sana..*hiks* that night, I felt like I'm dying.. Promise me please.. Never leave me again.." tzuyu said surprised me

I cried harder..hug her back..

"I promised..ill never leave you *hiks* I won't *hiks* ..I'm sorry"

She pulled back.. Cupped my cheeks..leaning forward..our lips connected..and we kissed like there's no tomorrow..while still crying..i slipped my tounge in "hmpf~",  I remembered she kissed me last night.. I smiled..we broke the kiss..

"I love you Sana❤"

"I love you more tzuyu-ah❤"

≧∇≦ aakkhh... Thanks for 2k really is something for me.. Thank you so much!!! Enjoy this cute gif of Sana <3

 Thank you so much!!! Enjoy this cute gif of Sana <3

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